Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another trial carried out in New Zealand , and widely quoted in the medical literature , apparently failed to find any link between the mother 's diet and colic in breast-fed babies .
2 Yet paradoxically Makarenko 's educational theories were to be taken up , approved , and widely publicized in the Stalinist period .
3 It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North .
4 Their performance of Mozart 's Concerto in E flat for two pianos was beautifully judged and finely controlled , fiery and dramatic in the virtuoso display sections of the opening Allegro , delicate and ornate in the slow movement , and thrillingly accomplished in the brilliant Rondo .
5 They obtained permission from the NZRFU for most of them to drift away from Twickenham and eventually to arrive in the northern Italian town of Treviso .
6 Departments ' spending plans , which were bargained over and eventually published in the annual public expenditure White Papers , were expressed in constant prices or ‘ volume terms ’ .
7 Indeed , when he left , the students presented Mayhew with a microscope so that he could carry on ‘ with his investigations of structures , a subject of vast importance , but hitherto untaught and little known in the Veterinary College ’ .
8 Turn the machine back on and slowly pour in the hot liquid .
9 The strong sense of community between living and dead expressed in the frequent injunction in wills to pray for the soul of the deceased and to endow a priest for this specific purpose witnesses to a feeling for a purpose in existence beyond that of material well-being .
10 In the same period , kin links were an important mechanism for recruiting labour , and so living in the parental household would have given young people increased chances of finding work , as well as providing them with accommodation which they might not have been able to afford on their own .
11 The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest .
12 But samples of the new species discovered in colonized territories were routinely brought back to be described , classified and perhaps displayed in the great European museums and zoological gardens .
13 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
14 The Queen disliked the service , which was hidden away and only re-emerged in the early 1980s when included in a Dutch television programme on royal gifts .
15 The third response is more enlightened and less grounded in the liberal fixation with genetic and pathological explanations of deficiency when it comes to deprivation .
16 Thus conservatives , supported by a violent press , and better represented in the Ordinary Cortes , felt able to challenge ‘ Jacobinism ’ .
17 It 's right back to the Stamp Acts which were so bitterly and rightly resisted in the early part of the 19th century . ’
18 Built in the hybrid style which has been dubbed ‘ artisan mannerism ’ , the house is exuberantly detailed and entirely lacking in the Italianate sophistication of the court style of Inigo Jones [ q.v . ] .
19 They stood on the porch steps and eagerly drank in the invigorating cold air .
20 Finally , it is worth mentioning the possibility that the traditional sadness and dejection with which the first crops were cut in Egypt , or the seed was sown in Greece and elsewhere originates in the same unconscious depressive complex .
21 As any of the information in the Figure 1 may have a bearing on a section in question , it can readily be seen that advanced hyper-text features are needed if all the relevant subject matter is to be available and easily reached in the electronic medium .
22 This type of fence is very quickly and easily erected in the second and subsequent years if the materials are carefully put away ; it is the initial preparation and setting up that takes the time .
23 Hermione Lee pinpoints what I feel about this novel — that although its subject is depression and waiting for death , it does not feel gloomy because of its own formal delight , its interest in language , including the contrasted languages of the sophisticated ‘ writer ’ , the Professor , a historian of the European exploration of America , and Tom Outland , the indigenous traveller , discovering the primeval inhabitants , but teaching himself to read Virgil , and thus exploring in the other direction .
24 And just like in the bad old days , it was coincidence rather than cleverness that saved the Doctor .
25 The road was long , narrow , straight and utterly deserted in the pre-dawn half-light .
26 , A leading Brazilian rainforest conservationist , Gumercindo Rodrigues , has been shot and critically injured in the northwestern Amazon .
27 She gazed back mutely into his eyes , horrified and deeply aroused in the same instant , and when she did n't turn away he began to move once more , slowly at first , and then with gathering force and swiftness .
28 This is more prevalent than Type I and usually presents in the over-forties .
29 I do not want to make too big an issue of the large sums of money that are spent on taking LTA committee members and officials around the world , travelling in premium class and always staying in the best hotels , although it would seem that it is considerably more than the amount of money actually spent on transporting the competitors themselves .
30 [ The main recommendations were implemented in the 1980 Education Act , and further extended in the 1986 Education Act ; but the 1988 Education Reform Act introduced radical changes in the relationships between parents , governors , teachers , LEAs and central government ( see Chapter 4 ) . ]
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