Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The plea or defence to this was that the notes were made jointly and severally by the defendant 's father , John Revill , and by Samuel Revill , as well as by the defendant , and that before the action the plaintiff , without the defendant 's knowledge or consent , struck out the name of Samuel Revill on the notes and wholly discharged him from liability .
2 Pte Mark Turner , 21 , of 24 Airmobile Field Ambulance Brigade , Gaza Barracks , Catterick Garrison , is charged with a serious sex offence against a woman and indecently assaulting her in Scotton , near Catterick Garrison , on Friday .
3 Ken obstinately and successfully resisted what in effect was a royal command , saying that ‘ A woman of ill repute ought not to be endured in the house of a clergyman , least of all that of a royal chaplain . ’
4 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
5 Reid continued to leave him out and eventually sold him to Chelsea .
6 What if there is no express covenant on a business sale and X purchases the business from Y and eventually sells it to Z ?
7 Their anomalous position illustrates the danger of reading back ( even into the 1950s , let alone the 1930s ) the more precisely defined contemporary categories , and eventually exposed them to abolition .
8 Since he did n't like the golf course either he was in no real frame of mind to ‘ spreadeagle the field ’ , as a well-known golf pundit invariably and irritatingly puts it on television .
9 ‘ It 's where my family live , ’ he says distantly , and slowly drink himself to death .
10 It seems the original X Consortium , scheduled to get a new director in January and slowly dissociate itself from MIT over the next year , is n't evolving fast enough into a fleet-footed marketing vehicle or even churning out saleable technology quickly enough to suit everybody .
11 He was obliged to attend some party functions and to receive the chief guests along with the hostess , but he received little pleasure from such occasions and rarely attended them outside London .
12 He looked at his big , hammy hands , lying loosely on the table and suddenly doubled them into fists .
13 H. L. A. Hart , who has recently added his voice in support of this kind of analysis , provides the following explanation : ‘ The commander characteristically intends his hearer to take the commander 's will instead of his own as a guide to action and so to take it in place of any deliberation or reasoning of his own : the expression of the commander 's will … is intended to preclude or cut off any independent deliberation by the hearer of the merits pro and con of doing the act . ’
14 I was terrified that if I criticized him he would take offence and leave me , if not permanently , then for a few days , without giving me a sign of life , and so leaving me in anguish .
15 I do n't think a person told I do n't think a person told to apologize is n't rea really an apology so I think there must be a reason why you did n't and so told me on Sunday why you did n't .
16 The child who 's been burned learns to fear fire and so to treat it with respect .
17 For there was absolutely no need at all for him to walk so close to where she was walking or to bump into her and so catch her off balance — the end result being that he had his arms around her , as if to save her , before she could stop him .
18 Because these are so individually made , they 're rather like instruments which have been devised for a specific individual , and so to criticise them for details of design is hardly fair .
19 [ … ] Legal prohibition is an important way of either preventing individuals and firms from creating external costs , or forcing the perpetrators to internalize the cost and so reflect them in market prices .
20 Moorlands is conveniently situated at the end of the West Highland Way and near to Ben Nevis ( Britain 's highest peak ) and so provides plenty of walks of varying levels which take in woods , hills , mountains , lochs and ruined castles .
21 A man who once talked to a selection committee about the battle of Waterloo , he likes his unexpected allusions and so hits us with Lobenegula ( King of the Matabele , was it ? )
22 One focus is Jesus , who reveals the love of God for us , and so reconciles us to God , ; the other is the spiritual and ethical community which he founded .
23 So the law is intended not simply to regulate conduct in an imperfect world , but to show up our imperfections and so lead us to Christ .
24 She had read of Cupid , the little god of love , and of his wicked darts piercing the heart at the moment of understood love , and she had laughed a little at the idea ; but one of them had struck home at last , and she knew that on the two previous occasions when she had previously and disastrously thought herself in love it had not been love at all …
25 He determined to hide it away in his special tin and only use it on Sundays , and in secret , to keep his head free of the nits .
26 As with so many poisonous animals , the tarantula prefers to keep its venom for feeding time and only employs it against enemies as a last resort .
27 And only letting it to friends and I suggest
28 He glared across the breakfast table at them , quenching the morning cheerfulness in the kitchen , and fiercely examined them at tea-time as if to see what the day had done to them .
29 So we are going to give it a lot of coverage , and obviously put it in places like the information centre .
30 His wife winces , and gently pushes hers into place .
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