Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world .
2 So Vaughan contented herself with training as a nurse and avidly reading food books in her spare time .
3 Brazauskas was elected president of the Seimas and thereby acting state President on Nov. 25 .
4 Wright , Swinfen Eady J held that directors owed their fiduciary duties to the company and not to the company 's shareholders and thereby denied shareholders recourse to a direct action against directors who had used inside information at their ( the shareholders ' ) expense .
5 By imposing a very high cost of borrowing , the Chancellor hopes to reduce our willingness to accept any more bank credit and thereby limit credit creation by the banks .
6 The objectives of the Unit as laid out in its constitution are as follows : to undertake industrial relations research of a long-term multidisciplinary character ; to contribute towards improving the quality of data and of understanding that is available for industrial relations policy-making by government , employers and trade unions ; to provide for a concentration of resources and continuity of work and thereby improve career opportunities for research workers and facilitate large-scale research projects ; to enhance the quality of industrial relations teaching and research activity of the School of Industrial and Business Studies ; to be a national and international centre for industrial relations research and to attract suitable visiting researchers and research students to the University .
7 Babies born preterm are likely to lack surfactant — a material that covers the surface of the lung , lowering surface tension in the alveolus and thereby preventing lung collapse on breathing out .
8 Sanders had been a Whip and a specialist in franchise matters before the war , so his return to Westminster gave an added impetus to the party campaign against the Bill ; he became a sort of unofficial party Whip against a government that the party supported , cooperated closely with George Younger , by this time Party Chairman , and eventually became deputy chairman of the party himself in 1918 .
9 Plenty of stowage for groceries and effectively fiddled worktop areas in the neat galley
10 THIS is the letter from TCCB chief Alan Smith that has gone out to every county secretary and effectively gagged England players from supporting Allan Lamb over his ball-doctoring claims .
11 She accompanies Lucie and her child to Paris during the Reign of Terror , when Darnay has been imprisoned , and forcibly prevents Madame Defarge from discovering their escape but at the cost of her own hearing ( she is permanently deafened by the accidental firing off of Mme Defarge 's pistol during their struggle ) , TTC i 4 et seq .
12 In the event , Mountbatten remained as Governor-General of India , in which capacity , at the invitation of the Congress leaders , he was briefly and secretly to resume executive power in 1947 to deal with the communal violence which threatened to destroy the infant state .
13 Instead , stretch , curl up and slowly reach sitting position by pressing the palm of your hands on the floor , keeping your chin down , touching your throat .
14 What a wonderful prospect for piano buffs who for far too long have had to put up with hurriedly performed and inadequately recorded Vox recordings from the young Michael Ponti and others in a ragbag assortment of concerti with ‘ mix and match ’ orchestras and conductors .
15 Quietly sipping champagne in a corner of the large marquee , Laura was just chiding herself for having over-reacted in such a feeble , juvenile way towards a man who could n't possibly be interested in her , when she looked up — and suddenly found Ross standing in front of her !
16 This process confirms the belief that many of the difficulties can not be resolved by teachers in their classrooms and so require specialist services in a specialist context .
17 It is capable of running entirely from floppy disks and so allows computer users without a hard drive to produce professional scores .
18 Joan Fort , a dedicated tea lady and kit washer , also got an award and so did Davey Harrison for his two hat tricks .
19 Surbiton won by 3 matches with one drawn and so represent Gt Britain in the 45 age group in the European Club Championships in June ( 45 's ) and September ( 65 's ) at European venues yet to be decided .
20 As soon as several partners are involved the need for good financial control systems is emphasised by the need to maintain equity between partners and perhaps relate profit shares to job profitability .
21 They hear weather forecasts , erm see weather forecasts presented on television , and perhaps read weather forecasts in the newspaper , but the Met Office does very much more than that , does n't it ?
22 The saloons with three side windows with opening lights above , were of conventional design for the period , with lincrusta flat ceilings and long bent plywood benches for eleven passengers each side .
23 The late and much missed Fred Rival By the way I saw Mercy at the horse of the year show a few weeks ago .
24 SAE ratings are quoted in imperial hp or kW , and generally give peak power for a bare engine .
25 Per capita GDP fell , on average , 3.8 per cent annually from 1981 to 1984 and scarcely reached zero growth in the latter part of the 1980s .
26 It was expected that an economic upturn would lead to attempts to repay foreign debts and thus gain Libya access to fresh lines of international credit .
27 To ju and just take taxation bit of it .
28 As a member of the HAE , and one of the largest and best known hire companies in Europe , HSS is well-equipped to meet all your hiring requirements .
29 The Japanese introduced them anyway and thereupon gained market dominance through the much higher quality achieved .
30 Too often school and non-stop talking turn children into inert and passive learners , .
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