Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Bernice could see Legion 's body splitting into a firework display of multi-coloured fronds , and slowly drawing together into a hairy black ovoid supported by three pipe-cleaner legs .
2 The rendering of figures in action had been developed in pedimental sculpture , and perhaps extended occasionally to an independent group in the later sixth century : a fine marble torso from the Acropolis , under life-size , These us fighting one of his opponents , seems not to be from a pediment .
3 It has been suggested , however , that there are different strategies at work for adults and children , the former requiring more formal language learning situations and perhaps benefiting more from a grammatical approach ( Krashen and Seliger , 1975 ) .
4 Start off with the highest SPF cream and only change gradually to a lower rating .
5 As Rosemary Deem makes clear in the article reproduced here , deliberate and formal distinctions between the education of boys and girls have been made until very recently and only brought formally to a halt through the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act .
6 ‘ Metalscape ’ captures the POD venom with a massive thump — the song 's arrangement lets the lyrical flow build and build until , just as you 're wondering if Jim Steinman is in the house , the whole thing falls back and gently rises again in an enchanting manner .
7 Whilst a single stimulation of the body surface close to the gill or siphon produces a reflex withdrawal , on repeated stimulation the response habituates ; that is , the response to the repeated stimuli steadily diminishes and finally disappears completely for a while .
8 A young flatfish starts life swimming near the surface , and it is symmetrical and vertically flattened just like a herring .
9 Peter Reformat , a pipefitter for 10 years at USX Corporation 's Gary works plant , was laid off and promptly hired again under a new employer .
10 For rapid changes are taking place in the structure and content of teacher education and , with it , a massive increase in part-time school-based schemes for initial and further training together with a more extensive use of ‘ sandwich ’ type training especially for higher grades of teachers .
11 After all , mass-produced will always be mass-produced , but the whole point of mass-produced electrics is that you can walk into a store , pick the very best example from a row of several , spend a little money on a great setup , and maybe some pickups , and still save enough over a custom guitar to buy yourself an extremely nice amplifier .
12 He argued that when a material can undergo viscous flow and also respond elastically to a stress it should be described by a combination of both the Newton and Hooke laws .
13 I now use Dug , a decomposed poultry manure from Pelco , when planting and give an annual mulch of bark to the acid areas and spent mushroom compost to the rest ; it improves the body of my sandy soil and also works magnificently as a weed suppressor if put on thick enough .
14 Asquith demurred , and also responded discouragingly to a suggestion that they might all serve under Balfour .
15 THE hard luck story to emerge from this year 's Martell Grand National surely can not come from David Stoddart , the man who sold Party Politics 48 hours before the big race and now looks forward to an agreed bonus of £15,000 on top of the original £80,000 price tag .
16 His survival as a traditional monarch was exceptional in a period when , elsewhere in Africa , tribal authority was denigrated and often pushed aside as an antique obstacle to the path of modernization and national self-determination .
17 Flowers that enlist them as pollinators must cater for their tastes and produce a similar smell and often do so with an accuracy and pungency far beyond the endurance of the human nose .
18 As the text of the gospels was dissected , there came indeed to appear layers or strata ; some bits looked earlier than others ; the documents were made up out of a weaving of stories and sayings circulating in the earliest Church and then put together by a single hand or more than one hand .
19 Continue rubbing until the surface feels dry and then polish vigorously with a clean soft duster .
20 Significant information about people and definitions of unfamiliar or important terms , can be quickly recorded on a small card ( usually 13cms x 8cms is adequate ) and then filed alphabetically in a box , marked either " BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX " or " GLOSSARY " .
21 The adept begins in the stance known as yoi , and then progresses onwards through a series of solo techniques , in which he executes a set of movements against imaginary opponents .
22 In each test , one of them would don a mask painted with either normal-sized eyes or extra-large ones , and then walk directly towards a basking iguana .
23 They stopped far beer and then waited anxiously at an agreed spot for Minto and the others .
24 Whereby the whole church family , broke up into groups for a period of education , and then came together for a time of celebration and worship .
25 She carried on for another year and then died suddenly from a heart attack .
26 Ideally the Koi should be coaxed , not chased into the net and then transferred gently to a blue plastic bowl or baby bath , never having left the water .
27 From the Green Quarter strike north another half mile along a road and then go eastwards along a bridleway to Sadgill in the slender valley of Longsleddale ( 2 miles ) .
28 Thus , someone who is primarily in an anorexic phase , using starvation as his or her prime method of control over emotions and relationships , may have episodes of bingeing and then starve again as a method of gaining further , illusory , control and in order to control the physical consequences of the binge .
29 Each tube begins at an opening on the flank of the shell and then branches internally into a fine network that leads ultimately to all the organs and tissues of the body , the tips even entering individual cells and delivering gaseous oxygen to them .
30 The CR 42 hung on its side for a moment and then slipped gently into a dive .
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