Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the plains became higher and colder , so another memorable Andean beast appeared — the guanaco , country cousin to the llama , brother to the vicuña and the alpaca , and properly regarded as a small and humpless camel .
2 As I have argued elsewhere ( 1989 , pp. 169–71 ) , the temple functioned rather like a great medieval abbey , drawing and re-allocating large revenues from the surrounding area and thereby developing into a major centre of wealth and power .
3 In everyday life there are countless occasions on which people are confronted with the need to make a decision which , in its resolution , should be motivated by a healthy conscience and thereby result in a kindly , productive or generous act .
4 You can leave your pension in the fund , as described above , and additionally contribute to a personal pension , providing your contributions do not exceed the allowed Inland Revenue limit , i.e. two-thirds of final salary ( or whatever is allowed according to the rules of the scheme ) .
5 They left the marketplace for a maze of streets and eventually came to a large stone two-storeyed house with a timbered roof , its exquisite carved eaves jutting out over a small courtyard beneath .
6 We drove for miles through dense jungle and eventually came to a big pool which was maybe 150 metres square and 30 metres deep .
7 He followed the widest of the paths northwards and eventually came to a deserted airfield .
8 Captures the angry collapsing mood of the country as Allende 's left wing government is threatened and eventually deposed by a right wing junta .
9 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
10 Furthermore they include provisions for the assessment of prior learning and portability of credits that can be accumulated and eventually applied towards a formal qualification .
11 We visited a number of unsuitable lettings as far afield as Dumfriesshire and Loch Rannoch , and eventually settled on a charming Georgian manse in the hamlet of Makerstoun , half-way between Kelso and St Boswells in the Border country , half a mile from the Tweed with , at the bottom of an orchard of Victoria plums , a village school suitable for Alastair and Fiona .
12 Issues which were to influence subsequent events and eventually lead to a national curriculum are specified : first , that the curriculum is overcrowded and the timetable overloaded ; secondly , that pupils who move from one school to another are penalized because of curricular variations between schools ; thirdly , that curricular arrangements within each school tend to give rise to unequal curricular opportunities for pupils ; fourthly , that the school curriculum is not sufficiently relevant for life in a modern industrial society ; and fifthly , that there are evident weaknesses in existing assessment procedures and methods of recording pupil progress .
13 The Minister will know from many of the schemes that he visits that one of the carrots that they hold out to young people is the ability to drive vehicles off road and eventually to train for a full licence .
14 Prudent and orderly , uncompromising in his views on life and art , and instinctively reserved in a postwar world which contradicted them extensively , Frampton was a man of humour , courtesy , and charm , who unbent when he sensed that his deep feeling for beauty , order , and sound technique was shared .
15 He zoomed to save height , heard the cackle of machine-guns , skidded round in a savage , 180-degree turn , and instinctively ducked as a bright blue Pflaz hurtled over his head .
16 Until the 1840s the supply of coal from the area to London was tightly and effectively controlled as a virtual monopoly .
17 The house is large , white and elegantly proportioned with a south-facing porch equipped with comfortable chairs for guests to relax on .
18 The presence or absence of increases in anal pressures and external sphincter electromyographic activity during a maximum squeeze , straining ‘ as if to defecate ’ , and forcibly expiring against a fixed resistance ( blowing up a party balloon ) were noted , and where relevant the responses quantified .
19 I set her down on her usual perch and slowly walked in a straight line to the far perch , some ninety feet away .
20 Here they 've now installed a greenhouse which is their pride and joy and somewhere to relax after a hard day 's gardening .
21 This assumption is not theoretically neutral and arguably derives from a traditional positivist view of law which defines law or legal systems in terms of their effectiveness in establishing ordered behaviour .
22 It is this sharp awareness of an inner process which will release men from the constraints of time , that makes those who make enormous emotional investment in material enterprises look incredibly foolish : Heaven is the only true object of human desire and it must be particularly and discreetly nourished in a continual process of growth .
23 Talbot looked at Dr Wickram who , in startling contrast to Benson , was thin , dark and immaculately dressed in a blue suit , white button-down collar and a black tie , the funereal hue of which went rather well with the habitual severity of his expression , and said : ‘ Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry , Dr Wickram ? ’
24 Evaluation and change are logically and methodologically linked in a fundamental way .
25 It was attacked and badly damaged by a patrolling Hurricane , Flt.Lt .
26 It introduces non-state actors and so belongs to a new pluralism in International Relations .
27 It is also that , even were it not , the reliance on competition between economic units inevitably generates individual/sectional self-interest , and so reproduces in a socialist economy the individualist attitudes and self-seeking practices characteristic of capitalism .
28 Synchronised movement is critical , so the command has to be brief and so timed by a delayed ‘ one-and- pull sort of order .
29 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
30 The subsequent discovery of the endorphins and encephalins , hormones in the brain that act like morphine and so act as a natural analgesic , and their implication in the action of acupuncture , provided further theoretical explanation for its efficacy .
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