Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 And although there are large numbers of people happily and effectively working with the same standalone , two-dimensional , text-based products that came free with their PCs several years ago , in the world of corporate computing a little more is needed .
2 In conjunction with considerable manual dexterity derived in part from the ability to oppose thumb and index finger which man shares with the gelada baboon and presumably derives from the same source ( picking up small objects of the diet ) , the adoption of an upright posture created the right conditions for the final emancipation of the hand from locomotion and set man on the path which led to the invention and use of tools and to material culture in general .
3 HERE in the West , episode two of Blackeyes ( BBC-2 ) hardly advances the narrative at all and slowly picks at the same psychological scabs .
4 Finally , it is worth mentioning the possibility that the traditional sadness and dejection with which the first crops were cut in Egypt , or the seed was sown in Greece and elsewhere originates in the same unconscious depressive complex .
5 He took this in suddenly one morning as he was charging a girl the duty on a camera , hitting the thought like an air pocket and ludicrously yawning at the same time with his mouth shut so that the girl noticed his face lengthening like a mule 's .
6 Notoriously strong , due to enforced national service , and generously funded for the same reason , French Army sides of the past have launched international careers like that of Eric Vergniol , who this year switched to rugby union .
7 She gazed back mutely into his eyes , horrified and deeply aroused in the same instant , and when she did n't turn away he began to move once more , slowly at first , and then with gathering force and swiftness .
8 Normally , when there is a single mother cat , each kitten is the ‘ owner ’ of its own personal nipple and always returns to the same nipple every time it feeds .
9 ( ‘ I pointed out to my boss that we could run the business straight and still pull in the same sort of money , but he said straight money did n't spend right . ’ )
10 The society always received and still receives from the same surveyor a basic valuation containing a summary of some but not all the matters contained in the report to the borrower .
11 A note of the fact that they have started out equally separated from each other , are now marching in parallel straight lines , and we need to check later that they are still separated by equal distances and still going in the same direction .
12 Charlotte did get the position of nanny and often travelled on the same train home on her days off , always in the first compartment behind the tender and always hoping that she would see Albert , which she often did and she leaned out of the window to talk to him when the train stopped in the stations .
13 She and Cati were born into the same family , went to the same school , heard the same sermons on Sundays and feast days , and often confessed to the same priest ; but Cati liked to cover herself in guilt , a kind of protective clothing that her elder sister had once inspected , tried on for size , and then discarded .
14 In all this work , Marx , and to a lesser extent , Engels , foreshadow later anthropology and even run into the same technical difficulties concerning what term to use for pre-capitalist property systems , thereby showing how close they are to modern scholars .
15 The fiction was that they could be honestly and legitimately equalized at the same quota figure , even though Haughey had nearly three times as many first-preference votes as Brady , and even though almost half of the votes by which Brady reached the quota were votes of second or lower preference , culled by transfers from nine other candidates in nine counts .
16 They are basically undifferentiated and frequently led by the same class teacher over a 10-year period :
17 Knowing that the carp will not have as much energy as when I first hooked it , I pile on the pressure in no uncertain terms , and the fish swings round and immediately makes for the same lily bed it took refuge in previously .
18 The final automatic conversion is for Lotus 1–2–3 files which are first converted to DIF files by Lotus ' own WKSDIF utility and then treated in the same manner as DIF files .
19 Ken would start off telling us about his week and then go into the same — what I would call bumhole jokes , always the same about the problems he had with his bum .
20 Most will be the former , with the cable running out from the fuseway in the consumer unit to supply a number of socket outlets on the ring , and then returning to the same fuseway .
21 The Primitive Methodist chapel was built in 1837 and then rebuilt on the same site in 1877 .
22 and as he 's quality only run on perhaps another nine months or a year or whatever , and then revert to the same job description as John
23 The deep voice sounded peremptory , softly persuasive and vaguely accusing at the same time .
24 The black eyes were pouring through her , amused and oddly smouldering at the same time .
25 It gave her a strange feeling of things being right there inside her and yet projected at the same time at a distance away from her .
26 But perhaps because she was thus secretly rejecting him and yet knew at the same time that he was in love with her , a sense of justice prompted her to help him in amorous efforts , to support him , to rid him of childish embarrassment .
27 ‘ I telephoned the Blackpool office up to five times a day and never talked to the same person twice .
28 In the basic device an opaque disc is fastened to the shaft and therefore rotates at the same speed as the motor .
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