Example sentences of "and [pers pn] have [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and er , and so , and er as I say er I 've had a most wonderful life and I 've been a widow now for ten years .
2 She was the first dog that I got to know and I 've been a sucker for them ever since .
3 If you come out to nothing like I did and you 've been a prostitute and know it 's easy money — well you 're going to go straight to it again .
4 Anyway , muggins here went into his dresing room just before the fight and gushed : ‘ Joe , it 's my first big show , and you 've been a professional in every sense of the word .
5 So , for example , if the flat rate is £200 a year of pension and you have been a member of the scheme for 20 years , your pension will be £4,000 a year .
6 When Gabriel and she had been a couple they had run into her one day when there had been a freak storm .
7 For the first time she could sense what it must be like to possess the surgeon 's power almost of life and death , the satisfaction of knowing your actions had helped to save a life or bring a new one into the world , and she had been a part , albeit a small one , of the drama .
8 I do not think he married her particularly for love , but for the sake of his daughters , as people did in those days ; and it might have seemed that she was ideally suited for this , with her quiet , dignified manner , and she having been a housekeeper .
9 She told me she was sorry we were going , and we 'd been a credit to the school .
10 Yes , Arnold Thomas had done a bad thing in deserting him just when he needed him most , and he had been a rogue of the worst kind to have stolen money into the bargain ; but if he could only find his son , he would tell him that all was forgiven , and that he wanted him here , in his rightful place , at the helm of his father 's business .
11 The terrorist had hands identical to those of Louis and he had been a psychopath .
12 His name , he said , was Shlomo Green and he had been a refugee from Romania .
13 and he 'd been a Liverpool councillor off and on for over fifty years .
14 Oh yes I enjoyed it very much but erm we had American visitors around and we had one a Captain and I 'm afraid we all fell for him cos he seemed such a handsome man and he 'd been a hero in the war , and he was engaged to , then to the then president of America 's daughter , so they informed us but erm I do n't know whether it was the truth , that 's what they , they said but of course some of the , some of the things had to be cast , the bodies had to be cast and they were , they were I do n't know whether you 'd have heard of the Orritor
15 But he does , he lives in the churchyard , and he has done on and off , as you say , for a few years , and he 's been a bit of a most of the time he 's perfectly all right because he keeps himself to himself .
16 Herbie was Craigavon district Secretary 1979–87 and he has been a branch representative since 1978 .
17 He campaigned against the burial of irradiated waste in the UK , and Parliamentary commitments include serving on the select committe for employment , 1983–87 , and he has been a whip responsible for defence , energy , transports and Northern Ireland for several years .
18 He is very good , Mr , and he has been a county councillor in I think Staffordshire , before the days of pindown I have to er , hasten to add , but he does know both sides of the er , street as it were .
19 Because if I 'd have come home and it 'd been a mess I would have had a face the longest of all !
20 The thing between himself and Isobel had been so long ago he had difficulty remembering it , and it had been a mistake from the first .
21 No one had wanted to believe that Paula 's beauty went right through her more than Sally did for she was a shining golden idol as well as a sister and it had been a shock to Sally when she had at last been forced to concede , in private at least , that the other girls might have been right in the accusations they made .
22 He had put a Greek monogram of the first letters of the name of Christ ( CHR ) on his standards , and it had been a talisman of victory .
23 She 'd got thing in her in her er yeah what 's what it is up she damaged it ooh some years ago and it 's been a bit weak since like , you know but sh it was only a few weeks ago we got some computer big computer , with big discs and she twisted her hand in in pulling one out , you know it 's I do n't how , the fell or something and she went to cash it or whatever and of course we 're riding the motorbike for the like you have to change gear it 's only a small seater , your bike 's open
24 The beauty of the flower is transcendent , and it has been a part of man 's heritage since the beginning .
25 In Marxist thought and practice this relation is posed as one between class and party , and it has been a matter of controversy since the end of the nineteenth century , expressed in the most diverse forms , extending from Michels ' reflections upon the ‘ iron law of oligarchy ’ to Lenin 's conception of the Bolshevik Party , theoretically elaborated by Lukács .
26 The second strand involves the Government of the Republic and it has been a pleasure to all concerned that everybody involved in those talks has supported and sustained them .
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