Example sentences of "and [pers pn] be set [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When you go and buy your ticket and you 're setting off on that day
2 In the next instant Travis was rising and she was set back on her feet as he put some distance between them .
3 The first one was half of us were blindfolded and we were set out in a line and the rest had to move about 5–10 metres away and stand in a line .
4 So far as Trading Standards is concerned Chairman , the major income are weights and measures testing fees and they are set down by LACOTS , that 's Local Authority Courts on Trad on Trading Standards on er , an agreed scale , so we charge exactly the same as other authorities , for the same , for the same work , and we increase the fees every year , er , in line with erm , the recommendation .
5 It 's only the ground floor , really , and it is set out with a bar at the back and refreshments like the old music halls used to be with every so often , every few seats there is a table so that it 's a thing to have your drink and refreshments to hand at the table .
6 And it was set up by CAFOD , Christian Aid , the New Consumer , Oxfam , Traidcraft Exchange , which is the charity side of Traidcraft and the World Development Movement .
7 Quite sure that you 'll find in the end that I 'm right and it was set up by murdering bog-trotters .
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