Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] out [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He broke off and removed his arms from around her waist , and she had to put out one hand to regain her balance .
2 There had always been a sympathetic ear for her clients , and she longed to pour out all her troubles right away .
3 But then Hector was to blame too because Hector went they were coming round and we had to get out first , he promised us as the first houses would go up we would get back again
4 In B. 's case , the plaintiff 's complaint is of negligence by medical staff at a much earlier period — they carried out a dilation and curettage ( ‘ D. and C. procedure ’ ) at a time when the plaintiff 's mother was about five weeks pregnant with the plaintiff but did not know it , and they failed to carry out any pregnancy test before the D. and C. procedure .
5 And one of the reasons why the black women in Liverpool put this exhibition together erm and they tried to pick out different kinds of jobs that women had to show that black women could do those jobs , and they were saying look , there 's lots of stereotypes erm about the kinds of jobs that black and Asian women can do that fit in with their personalities , and you know the world is wide open and you are able to do this and you do n't have to be erm a singer or a model or erm or erm erm a runner , you know , the whole stereotypes in terms of what black people are good at and they 're saying let's break away from this , let's show the kinds of things that we can do and we can do anything that we set our minds to and erm the exhibition is very positive , actually .
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