Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Never , ’ she defended , then added thoughtfully , ‘ However , if you do get him back to his old city life , you 'll know he 's doing it for you , and you 'll be assured that he really loves you . ’
2 Ask any caterer what sort of foods we make a beeline for and you 'll be told that it 's the fried things — fish in batter and double chips ; bacon and egg with fried bread ; burgers dripping in saturated fat ; bangers and more chips .
3 He would be heard out , and he would see the shaking heads , and he would be told that facilities and staff were tied down , knotted down , on Trident .
4 We now form v , unc as in ( 9 ) , ( 10 ) , and solve ( 11 ) for M. To sufficient accuracy , we find unc and then a new Yo is , with d chosen appropriately , unc and it may be checked that these two columns are , sufficiently nearly , orthogonal .
5 They did not — and it was admittedly no part of their business to do so — inform us for which purposes the existing social services are ‘ excessive ’ ; and it may be observed that other commentators , political and non-political , though they are frequently willing to indicate social services which in their opinion are ‘ inadequate ’ , are extremely taciturn when it comes to illustrating the more obvious half of the truism with specific examples .
6 Despite the fact that contemporary comment was no stronger than it had been in the nineteenth century , World War I had a dramatic effect on the marriage expectations of women , and it may be hypothesised that there were concomitant changes in attitudes towards the desirability of careers for daughters of middle class parents .
7 The problem of fume cupboards is a sensitive area and it may be argued that health and safety considerations are in conflict with energy efficiency .
8 From the later Republic onwards there is no period of Roman history lacking fine portraits , and it may be argued that the lack of earlier survivals is merely due to chance .
9 The predicted expansion never came and it may be argued that Kielder , and the flooding of the valley , was a disastrous example of the worst kind of crystal-ball gazing so frequently employed to force unwelcome developments on an unwilling population ; and once again , the experts got it wrong .
10 And it may be argued that centralist solutions are dangerous , not only because in any particular administration they may be used to bad effect , but because in principle they inhibit freedom .
11 These external pressures have worked through to the universities , and it may be argued that the current problems universities face in regard to research funding in the earth sciences are the result of the rapid , uncontrolled increases in the 1970's .
12 Physical abuse is not known to be extensive and it may be felt that it has been excessively discussed in the context of ‘ dependence and independence ’ .
13 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
14 And it may be noted that Holman draws on psychological research to emphasise the adverse effects on children of separation from their parents , of the failure to develop relationships at all , and of disruptive family relationships .
15 The extent of the duty to state reasons thus varies according to the nature and context of the measure in question , and it may be said that it is not required to go into matters of detail to a disproportionate extent .
16 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
17 These characters are highly experienced , and it may be assumed that they can equip themselves with pretty much anything they want ( subject to GM approval ) .
18 On the vertical axis is plotted the recorded rate of increase of money wage rates , and it may be assumed that the rate of inflation can be closely associated with these rates of wage change because wages are usually the largest component of costs .
19 Values will tend to follow the development plans , and land which acquires a high development value will normally be land on which development will be permitted ; but there will be exceptions and it may be thought that to limit compensation in these cases will inflict hardship on owners who are refused permission to develop or whose land is bought compulsorily .
20 The meanings of these expressions was considered in the previous chapter , and it may be expected that they will be interpreted in essentially the same way in this context .
21 The point of a demonstration may be nullified if the target of the protest is not within the sight or hearing of the demonstrators , and it may be expected that it would only be in exceptional circumstances that conditions would be imposed preventing such a gathering .
22 This restates the previous law , and it may be supposed that , in the situations envisaged , there are good reasons why the conduct should not be regarded as criminal .
23 For instance , the descent of one brother may have been prolific , the other 's attenuated ; and it might be imagined that the smaller group would create less fear of reprisals in the hearts of the stronger .
24 All too often they are accused of exploiting cats to satisfy the competitive urges of the exhibitors , and it might be imagined that they would favour the de-clawing operation to facilitate the handling of cats when they are being judged at shows .
25 Reagan was supported by an exceptionally talented staff in his first term and it might be said that his legislative triumphs can best be explained by the quality of the team around him .
26 English court procedure at present gives no rights of intervention to third parties ; and it might be argued that if they were significantly extended , this would increase even further the role of the courts in resolving disputes which ought to be settled by political , not legal , means .
27 This case did not concern the availability of coercive remedies against the Crown and it might be argued that this statement is of no relevance in that context .
28 In West Sussex the English elm ( Ulmus procera ) is nearing extinction and it might be expected that the large numbers of standing dead trees will , at least temporarily , provide large amounts of insect food and sites for hole-nesting species .
29 This aspect of the decision in Levison is open to question ; the parties had agreed the price and the date for the collection of the carpet , and it might be thought that that would indicate that a binding contract had been made on the telephone .
30 The Code recognizes itself as having the support of s. 66 and it would be expected that it is indeed ‘ generally recognized ’ .
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