Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
2 Mick and me must drive them all there .
3 As they sat in the kitchen , Jonadab glanced across at George and remarked , ‘ While we 're a bit slack afore haytime starts , Aah thought as 'ow thoo and me could deliver them two pairs of shires ti Stephen 's . ’
4 ‘ I would have had no objection to telling them the position , in all honesty we could have done that and I may give them advance warning next year . ’
5 in all honesty ans answer what he said , you more or less made a statement and said yes I am er but I , I know all about the products and I 'll give you best advice .
6 It 's not just about development , there 's also a regional bureaucracy actually already in the U K and I 'll give you two examples .
7 pass my handbag up and I 'll give you that money for the cat food .
8 I 'll teach you what pleasure there is in making love and I 'll give you all the time you need to adjust to your new circumstances . "
9 Do me a favour and I 'll give you three francs instead of your fifty centimes [ which she gave him daily ] . ’
10 You 've just signed a new striker , I told him , and I 'll give you three guesses who it is .
11 Instead he bent over , looked at the sore , patted me on the head and said : ‘ Come into the shop and I 'll give you some sweets .
12 So let's try another one and I 'll give you some of the details and the questions that I 'm going to ask on it later .
13 Try him with that and vegetables and I 'll give you some powder to mix in his food .
14 Keep your eyes open , Jim , and I 'll give you half of everything I have . ’
15 So I 'm going to do erm a half add a third okay and a third add a quarter and a half take away a third okay and I 'll give you another one to do How about this one .
16 " Let's go in here , and I 'll show you that bath . "
17 And in fact there are even more subtle things than that you can find if you look carefully at Oh I might er I think that we might go out into the garden and I 'll show you one or two other features out there that are er even more er interesting and er er exciting .
18 and I 'll show you one of the commission sheets .
19 And the windows we shall put in here are the type of windows called a fenestral which are made of linen and I 'll show you one of those later on rather than explain it now .
20 And I 'll show you two or three things on on this contract which will if you presented to them face to face during the during the discussions they would they would use it as an excuse to say , You did n't tell me that I do n't want to do it .
21 If not , then give me a shout and I 'll show you another sample book . ’
22 hmm , so that post office , I says to Billy I wo n't be long and I 'll do you some rice
23 are you , well you eat it the way you want to do it and I 'll eat it all up
24 ‘ You take off your things and I 'll make us some bread and marmite . ’
25 I 'm going to be a doctor and I 'll make you better .
26 I said scramble some of them and I 'll make you some chips cos we had
27 And I 'll tell you one more thing , Mr Oh , so famous Vila , if you want to get rid of me , you ca n't begin to imagine how much I want to be rid of you !
28 ‘ Then you 'd better sit down and I 'll tell you all about it right from the beginning ’
29 But say yes , and I 'll tell you all about it later . ’
30 You name a poisoner and I 'll tell you all about him or her .
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