Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Very often , if you isolate a sound it 's not that good , but with Keith and me playing the same thing , they combine and one complements the other .
2 And I remember the most corn stacks we had was twenty five .
3 Stephen Conroy and I had the same tutor , Geoff Squires , and maybe he 's a model for our life drawing .
4 But you must give me leave to confide in the prince , and I make the same promise for him .
5 We passed by the Grotto together on the way and I felt the same wonder as before .
6 Over the short distance , though , I 'm pretty impressive , and I admire the same quality in others .
7 When I think of love or beauty or gardens , the images that moved me in my everyday life appear again and I feel the same sensations as when I first found them .
8 Howard , you and I share the same sense of humour . ’
9 The Prime Minister was heard in silence , and I expect the same courtesy to be extended to the Leader of the Opposition .
10 I 've refused work , and I expect the same loyalty from Enya , even if she married Phil Spector tomorrow !
11 But Malcolm and I have the same idea on musical direction , ’ says Kofi , of Harrow , north London .
12 Now both Stan and I have the same policy that erm we will write out It takes about ten minutes , or maybe a little bit longer with me , cos I 'm not as clever as Stan .
13 Yeah they 're all nice nice girls you know this is like the other week we was here playing the other team and one of the other team was swearing you know , and particularly you know the girls in , might have not they have the they used to play for Black Bear and you know the that lady that 's up there , she still swears and we stopped her from here used to f this , f that and f the other , we did , we stopped her said if you ca n't find a better word than that to use I should n't bother , you know As you know Shirl do n't like that .
14 The frequency changes as the train passes and the high note is when the train is coming towards us and the low one when the train is going away , and you get the same effect with light except that instead of being high and low it 's blue shifted if the object is coming towards us and red if it 's going away .
15 Subtract 150° from your heading of 270° and you get the same result , QDM 120°. 10 .
16 Does n't does n't matter which company you go into you have the same er percentage , you have the same thirty percent or thirty five percent depending on how far away it is and you have the same bonus structures .
17 And you feel the same way about me .
18 and you see the same telephone number , you know different model
19 Paddy 's daughter was tall like him , and she had the same air of self-assurance .
20 Anderson 's heart was not in these changes , and she retired the same year .
21 I picked him as my friend because he was a quiet , kind boy and we shared the same interest .
22 We speak variant patois of Shakespeare and Norman Mailer , our institutions spring from the same instincts and traditions , and we share the same heritage of law and custom , philosophy and pragmatic Weltanschauung … starting from similar premises in the same intellectual tradition , we recognize common allusions , share many common prejudices , and can commune on a basis of confidence .
23 So am I and we share the same gift of glimpsing the future . ’
24 Hawks , pigeons and I share an astonishingly similar set of components and mechanisms and we share the same world .
25 We went in with an open mind , but I have to be honest , the presentation was so abysmal , that there was no way that we could in fact continue with them , and we have the same problem with the cleaning contract .
26 We did it before , and we have the same conditions again .
27 First of all the major documentation we 've got is the contract and there we have six companies and we have the same contract for all six .
28 Swap engineers for any other subject in school and we have the same retrograde situation .
29 ‘ It 's a contact sport and we have the same commitment level as the men , so there is the same danger . ’
30 next year , it 's very limited use , and we find the same situation in South which is , move that we agreed to that in the report .
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