Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun sg] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is then important to set against this the qualitative assessments and for management to discuss the relative importance of each type of information before the final decisions are made .
2 We thank the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) for their support and for permission to use the General Household Survey , and the ESRC Data Archive for their continuing help .
3 Occasionally also gold was moulded and for complex forms the cire-perdue method was used .
4 For positive controls , sections containing rectal carcinoma and normal mucosa were employed and for negative controls the primary antibodies were excluded .
5 The changes were complex , as ever , but there were two important aspects : a shift of union power from plant to national level , and with industry entering the early stages of recession some major struggles occurred .
6 There are many interesting walks around Lockington and from vantage points the pantiled roofs of the village interspersed with some ancient trees ( alas , many have succumbed to Dutch elm disease ) provide a delightful panorama .
7 The Great Hural is elected nationally and in turn elects the 50 members of the Little Hural where parties are represented in proportion to the election results .
8 As links the streets functioned in two directions : they provided rapid access from the railway stations at the city 's then periphery to the key points at the center ( government buildings , central markets , hospitals , business and entertainment districts ) , and in turn linked the central organs of administration and business ( fire department , riot police , ambulance services , department store deliveries ) with the focal points of the city 's various quarters .
9 Thus , someone who is primarily in an anorexic phase , using starvation as his or her prime method of control over emotions and relationships , may have episodes of bingeing and then starve again as a method of gaining further , illusory , control and in order to control the physical consequences of the binge .
10 The strength of any restaurant business lies in its reputation — you are only as good as the last meal you have served — and in order to preserve the high standards that have brought this business so very far , Forte need people who can match the best in the industry : people with some supervisory level experience under their belts ; with a real commitment to customer service , lots of enthusiasm and driving ambition .
11 Like most of the English RACs , it has recently streamlined its administrative structure and in order to oversee the wide field described above , as well as the coordination of non-advanced further education in Wales , it has brought several committees together to form a new Further and Higher Education Committee .
12 And in order to accommodate the general rule it has been deemed necessary to deprive certain compound words , like sèche-cheveux , of their plural endings when used in the singular .
13 To improve the image of the Association among members and potential members and in order to improve the perceived value and relevance of the HCIMA .
14 He described as ‘ absolute nonsense ’ suggestions that local government was being reformed for political reasons and in order to remove the big Labour battalions of Strathclyde and Lothian .
15 Jimmy chartered two Canadair CL44 cargo aircraft and in order to get the left and right stabilisers and rear fuselage sections on board , had to cut much of the wreckage — without , of course , destroying any evidence that might subsequently turn out to be required .
16 An information gap is created and in order to tell the complete story , groups need to share the information they have .
17 Of particular significance and far-reaching consequence to the lives of women was the exilic legislators ' obsession with ritual cleanness — and in order to understand the full import of this statement , I shall momentarily have to digress from our historical outline and spend a little time analysing the reasons for the legislators ' obsession and its impact .
18 ‘ Duke Godomar is head of the city council , and in theory has the last word when it comes to governing Talisker .
19 By degrees the new mores spread from St Petersburg and Moscow to the provincial cities and in time affected the humblest noble homes .
20 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
21 The importance that the New Critics attribute to meaning and to vision necessitates the continued existence of the author .
22 The force from Hereford had the choice of two ways in , the more northerly by Hay and Brecon , the more southerly by Abergavenny , and by ill-luck chose the first .
23 All the hobbitic jokes are doing , then , is to reflect and by intention deflect the modern inhibition over high styles which we and they share ; if we were not embarrassed by the hobbits , in other words , we would be by the heroes .
24 The man receives the common weekly wages of 7s eight months in the year , and by task work the remaining four months about 1s weekly more .
25 Culture in this view bears important characteristics of the capitalist social totality , and in the case of mass culture , or the ‘ culture industry ’ , functions to reproduce labour power and by extension reproduce the capitalist social formation as a totality .
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