Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [det] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , they demonstrate little interest in or carry any vim into their academic work ; certainly nothing to compare with the avid desire for technique and expertise many take to the sports field .
2 Convenience , cost and availability all come into the picture , with the choice ranging from gas through various liquid fuels to paste or solid fuel blocks , all with their advantages and disadvantages .
3 The report shows that heavy metals , oil spills , insecticides , fishing and tourism all contribute to the decline of the sea grass .
4 the close-up , fast cutting , the sophistication of modern make-up and special effects techniques , the heightening effect of sound effects and music all combine on the large screen to produce an impact which no other medium can create .
5 In comparison with the other two passages , this one has a rather low frequency of nouns ( 4 ) ; moreover , over half of these nouns are abstract ( 20 ) , referring to entities which exist on a social or psychological plane : effort , subject , terms , money , feelings and aristocracy all occur in the first sentence .
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