Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 BELT UP With Marie Pisa Snow 's collection of Western-style belts , hat bands , boot and guitar straps made from the finest matt black Rolls Royce car leather They 've been collected from all over the world and have been wrapped around the waists of stars such as Tom Jones , David Bowie and Tina Turner 's tour band .
2 An oasis of calm in the centre of Leeds , at the point where all motorway and rail links converge on the city .
3 It analyses the implications of the Companies Act 1989 and all accounting and financial reporting standards and exposure drafts issued by the Accounting Standards Board up to August 1992 , including FRS 2 .
4 The book is up to date with the Companies Act 1989 and all accounting and financial reporting standards and exposure drafts issued by the Accounting Standards Board up to August 1992 , including FRS2 .
5 More riverside and woodland paths lead to the town of Grassington , continuing on to Buckden .
6 The continuous relaxation and retardation spectra calculated from the Rouse theory are and where is the unperturbed mean square end-to-end distance of a chain of molar mass M and density ρ containing N monomer units .
7 They wore nephrite ear-drops and chest ornaments carved into the form of heitiki , grotesque human figures with eyes encircled by shell inlay ( Plate F ) .
8 While avoiding the other imprisoned rapists , murderers , robbers and drug dealers housed in the Indiana Youth Centre , Tyson , 26 , has met a stream of celebrity visitors .
9 It was announced on Sept. 30 that the Exxon Corporation had reached final agreement with the Alaskan and US federal governments on a criminal fine of US$150,000,000 ( $25,000,000 of which was suspended ) and damage payments resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989 .
10 The system seemed quaint and inefficient in comparison with the microfilm and computer displays used by the library staff behind the checkout desk , but it was still the most convenient way of satisfying reader enquiries and it was a useful backup in case of computer failure .
11 The number of articles , booklets and text books written on the subject of corporate finance is vast .
12 At Bhamdoun , a hill resort with a little railway station , an ornate French signal box and a clutch of mosques and apartment blocks built by the Saudis who had once gone there for their summer holidays , Syrian shellfire had smashed into the shops and flats , punching a hole into the wall of the Carlton Hotel .
13 Two unconnected events , but they present a picture of sport on television which brings the state of play in the battle for the sporting viewer into sharp perspective ; BBC , centre circle , triumphant ; ITV pushed to the wings ; and the satellite and cable companies warming to the game after their first year 's play .
14 Despite the opportunities opened out from the late eighteenth century by an expanding grain trade , a marked increase in the land available , and a steady rise in labour and money dues extracted from the peasantry , the nobility found it difficult to make ends meet .
15 Under this agreement the Federated States are competent to conduct their own foreign affairs , including the power to join regional arrangements , subject ‘ to the full authority of the United States in security and defence matters relating to the Freely Associated State . ’
16 In addition he is appealing for tin openers , aspirins and vegetable seeds to take to the stricken country .
17 Twenty-five years ago , that team of scientists and electronics engineers charged with the awesome task of producing such a piece of equipment , included a thirty-seven year old Texan electronics engineer , whose star was rapidly rising in another quarter .
18 The universities and electronics firms participating in the project say the wiring scheme in each house will link up with digital telecommunications networks carrying messages between cities and individual homes .
19 A pig rooted in an orchard , and milk cows lowed from the farmyard .
20 But he had made it complete with fossils and dinosaur skeletons buried under the earth ; red herrings put there to expose those of little faith .
21 Just as the rhymes , assonances and phrasal structures hover at the edge of identification , so the poem as a whole offers romantic glimpses of ‘ old unhappy far-off things ’ ( to cite Wordsworth ) , or ‘ magic casements opening on the foam/Of perilous seas , in faer y lan ds for l orn ’ ( to remember Keats ) .
22 The carefree days , when only swingeing increases in the price of the Beano and soor plooms impinged upon the consciousness , have long since passed .
23 Away from the problems at Underhill , club chairmen gave the go-ahead for the launch of a fund to help finance ground redevelopment and aid clubs to comply with the Taylor Report .
24 From Ballintoy harbour , the path winds round the bottom of the cliffs to Whitepark Bay , a beautiful , curved sandy beach where oyster-catchers are common and fulmar petrels nest on the surrounding cliffs .
25 To prepare information and review materials to assist in the evaluation and development of school and departmental effective learning policies .
26 Early studies using crude fibrinolytic activity assays and histochemical fibrin slide techniques revealed plasminogen activators to be present in cancer tissue and cell lines obtained from the oral cavity and stomach .
27 In particular , incendiary devices and car bombs exploded in the city centre of Belfast on Jan. 5 , 21 and 31 , causing major damage but no injuries .
28 Several farmers and horse breeders appeared on the TV programme .
29 To begin with , heraldry ( or , more properly , armory ) comprised designs on shields and horse trappings adopted by the knightly class and above , to identify each other in tournaments .
30 On other occasions something datable may by chance have been left with the hoard , as with the hoard of gold and silver coins deposited during the English Civil War at Breckenbrough in North Yorkshire ; the pot in which the hoards were found also contained two receipts for requisitioned cheese dating to 17 January 1644 , so we can be confident that the hoard was deposited in the run-up to the Battle of Marston Moor in July of that year .
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