Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 The trust aims to relieve poverty and distress in the third world , educate the public about the third world , and promote research into finding solutions to third world problems .
2 It was the main loser in both territory and population from the First World War .
3 The damage and deprivation of the Second World War provided a major stimulus in Britain to the establishment of comprehensive urban planning instruments and created a social and physical environment prepared to accept radical planning ideology .
4 The global commodity system was largely based on persuading the peoples of the non-industrial countries to produce the food and industrial raw materials that were necessary for the continuous growth of capitalism and industrialization in the First World .
5 The project of exporting social responsibility across frontiers is rapidly breaking down , and immigration from the Third World , from eastern Europe and possibly the Soviet Union will be the major phenomenon of the next quarter-century and a central problem for any new world order .
6 Soviet policy and neutralisation in the Third World
7 He was no longer particularly interested in the work of younger writers ; this was partly because he no longer felt confident in his judgments about contemporary writing but , at a more general level , he believed there had been a profound falling off in the standard of both literature and criticism since the Second World War .
8 BOMB disposal experts in Copenhagen yesterday said they have removed all the torpedoes and ammunition from the Second World War Nazi U-boat raised from the seabed off Denmark on Monday .
9 THE PRIME Minister yesterday ruled out posthumous pardons for more than 300 British soldiers executed for cowardice and desertion during the First World War .
10 All along the coastal plain bordering the North Sea and the Baltic , stretching from the Dutch frontier to that of the U.S.S.R. , the towns suffered years of bombardment from sea and air during the Second World War .
11 The Defence Ministry announced on Oct. 3 that Israel had decided to " adopt the rules " of the Missile Technology Control Regime ( MTCR ) , an international convention introduced in 1987 to control the spread of Western missile technology and hardware to the Third World .
12 To put it slightly differently , it is important to understand that the poverty of the Third World and the wealth of the West are the outcome of an interlinked process in which the rapid and massive growth in Western prosperity has occurred and continues to do so at the expense and underdevelopment of the Third World .
13 Though she suffered from aerial bombardment England was spared the devastation caused by military engagement and occupation in the Second World War .
14 In practice , if not in spirit , there is a complete divorce between the ground floor , full of people who have walked in off the street , and the upper floors , where research and development on both hardware and software for the Third World take place .
15 CAFOD also exists to raise awareness of the causes of poverty and injustice in the Third World and the steps we can take to bring about change .
16 In the final analysis , if the small farmer and peasant of the Third World can not or will not take conservation to heart , no amount of model-building , empirical plot studies , erosion risk assessment or legislation will result in the preservation of the soil 's resources .
17 Simon Fraser , the Master of Lovat and son of the Second World War hero Lord Lovat , admitted at Inverness Sheriff Court breaching health and safety law last September .
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