Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [verb] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If such secret missives were sealed personally by him it might be only a matter of time before Wolsey 's enemies at court and parliament began to point the accusing finger in his direction .
2 This is because the time and preparation needed to achieve the perfect finish can not compete with the sophistication of modern moulding manufacturing processes , which have improved the standard of mass-produced leafing while keeping the cost of the finished mouldings at a realistic level .
3 The intention is to reveal how distinct Soviet attitudes to neutrality , neutralism and non-alignment have underlain the practical relations of the USSR and the countries defined by these terms in Europe and the Third World .
4 There was the gleam of a Marat in his eyes , and his eloquence took on a Satanic ring when he invoked the rising wrath of his colleagues against the festering scum that by cowardice and sloth had reduced the British Empire to a moribund thing , in peril of annihilation .
5 To complete the process actual performance must be compared budgeted performance , any variations understood and action taken to bring the two into line .
6 Science 's egocentric constricted views in relation to consciousness and mind have reduced the human mental condition almost to that of a robot 's , with ‘ mystic mumbo jumbo ’ being the label placed on the canons of the sublime Eastern ‘ Science of Life ’ .
7 While all this was going on , the police had made several arrests , and the Department of Trade and Industry decided to interview the 16 witnesses all over again .
8 The company , established 25 years ago , received a £120,000 grant from the Department of Trade and Industry to help finance the new investment .
9 DoE and the Department of Trade and Industry have asked the British Standards Institution to revise any analytical standards that lay down the use of either of these compounds .
10 The miners and their families were themselves implicated in the creation of their coalfield culture , through the operation of hegemonic processes by which relations of domination and subdomination came to imbue the entire lived experience — the social practices , relationships , expectations , and dominant values .
11 Two will carry rings on their other ends ; the other two must be fitted with wire or strong plastic ( GRP or CF rod ) pegs after trial and error fit to obtain the suggested bow .
12 It is now time for the Prince and Princess to learn to trust the British people by admitting the truth of their relationship .
13 I always donate to these organisations and have benefited to the extent that organisations like THT , Body Positive and LAGER have made the general public aware of the infection and have made some employers take it into account .
14 The recent correspondence about traffic problems and congestion fails to address the basic cause of most of the present chaos , which is the lack of consultation and co-operation by those responsible for the development of industry , office space , housing and schools , and public transport during the last 45 years .
15 The Tudor Great Hall — the display of arms and armour brings to mind the Civil War when Rockingham was captured and occupied by the roundheads .
16 The stern words and punishment seemed to have the desired effect .
17 Man 's mind yearns for a rural existence — where 99.999% of his evolution occurred — but for many of us , mind and body have to take the daily buffets of urban , industrial civilization .
18 But events elsewhere were passing them by , and by 1958 customary caution and reluctance had led the Nordic states to the point where any move would be a reaction to external developments , a point wryly made later by Per Haekkerup , the premier of Denmark : ‘ No stone was left unturned , no question unanswered .
19 Hawthorn and oak had colonised the same embankment .
20 Inadequate as its arable was , Sussex managed to build a considerable eighteenth-century prosperity on stock- and sheep-breeding , with an intensive use of downland and marshland grazing to complement the smaller Wealden pastures ; the beasts were moved from one to another as seasons changed .
21 political democracy , urbanization , and education have brought the different sections of the population into more frequent contact with each other and have created even greater mutual awareness , the central value system has found a wider acceptance than in other periods of the history of society . ’
22 Near some crofts however some areas have been improved by liming and surface seeding and elsewhere grazing , drainage and muirburn have altered the natural vegetation cover .
23 This rise in the cost of oil had led to world-wide recession trade , and already during Ford 's presidency ( 1974–7 ) unemployment and inflation had struck the American economy hard .
24 Whatever the nature of their relationship , it was clear that husband and wife had shared the same flat .
25 This year politics and economics conspired to make the first almost impossible .
26 The worsening unemployment , poverty and despair have fostered the fascist ‘ Taukei ’ movement which was behind last year 's coups and is currently shaping the country 's political future .
27 Marxism and Existentialism have exercised the greatest influence upon theology , while in addition the general question of how far theology should permit itself to be influenced by philosophy has also been given a good deal of attention .
28 Yet , despite this intimacy , the fact that they exist as a couple with a unique value in each other 's eyes ( a point marvellously grasped in Donne 's love-poetry ) , they remain separate , even when man and woman strive to overcome the fundamental dualism of life .
29 There was no flak or fighters and it was an easy trip , but on the return a diversion was made to Lyneham in Wiltshire , the crew and Sugar returning to base the following day , this flight lasting 45 minutes .
30 ‘ Ca n't trust the French , ’ the famous writer and philosopher had told the young man .
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