Example sentences of "and [noun pl] can only [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That is unremarkable since the anticipation of such problems and assessments of some of their causes and magnitudes can only be made by environmental scientists .
2 Nor have we tried to decide whether rules and reasons can only be considered in a hermeneutic framework incompatible with causal explanation .
3 This is likely to apply particularly to concepts , which can be understood on a number of levels , while skills are generally easier to specify as they are procedures carried out in practice and are therefore more " visible " , whereas pupils ' understanding of concepts and strategies can only be inferred from behaviour .
4 And many of our society 's institutions and problems can only be understood if we know about their origins and their subsequent development ; our industrial relations system , conflicts between religious groups , the ‘ crisis ’ in the welfare state and the problems of the world economy today are four instances of this point .
5 Natural scientists have been giving increasing attention to GEC , both nationally and internationally , but many of the questions confronting policymakers and citizens can only be answered through research in the social sciences .
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