Example sentences of "and [noun pl] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A full house in the parish hall of the new church of St Peter and St Paul , Wakefield raised £375 to provide further facilities and activities for the youth of the parish .
2 Selected titles in Grades 1–4 have been made up into sturdy Reader Packs , each containing a Reader , a Cassette , and Notes for the Parent/Teacher in English , Italian , Spanish , Arabic , Greek , Japanese , and Portuguese .
3 The exhibition , hopefully , showed how the changes have gradually taken place , and that there is still a small group of women prepared to give their time and talents for the enhancement of church services .
4 And then , if I have achieved the aim of helping teachers understand their predicament , I hope that they may feel more purposeful , both individually and collectively , and thereby become a more powerful source of ideas and projects for the improvement of schooling , which are grounded simultaneously in a clear sense of educational values and an equally clear-sighted , hard-headed sense of what is possible and appropriate .
5 Pickfords had relied on canals and roads for the transport of goods , but Baxendale early appreciated the advantages of railways .
6 Dr. Yeats produced a code of statutes and rules for the government of the infirmary .
7 ‘ . Resident clergy and dissenting ministers in the county had been asked to preach sermons in their respective parishes and meetings for the benefit of the infirmary .
8 The contracts covered by SGSA , s 2 are thus in practice contracts of exchange or barter , and contracts for the supply of labour and goods or materials ( eg building contracts ) .
9 ( d ) Transfers of goods and services The law has traditionally distinguished between contracts for the supply of goods and contracts for the supply of services .
10 In October 1979 the Planning and Development Committee approved the acquisition of the necessary land , and proposals for the creation of a walkway cyclepath were developed .
11 At Pisa in November 1209 , he came under the influence of the imperial captains and plans for the invasion of Sicily secured the support of two of the principal north Italian cities , Pisa and Milan .
12 He also announced 50 per cent pay rises and plans for the introduction of a new wage structure for employees in education , health , social services and other fields .
13 Four VI formers , two in their Lower VI year and two Upper VI talked to us of their education and plans for the future under the title ‘ Education for the 1990's ’ .
14 Wishing to be faithful to the whole biblical tradition ( unlike many moderns ) , the church fathers insisted that Satan was a rebel but that he was also somehow connected to God 's purposes and plans for the world in terms of both judgment and deliverance .
15 Pöhl , a member of the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) , had been openly critical over the introduction of economic and monetary union with what was East Germany [ see pp. 37259 ; 38115 ] and had clashed with the government over economic and monetary union plans within the European Communities [ see p. 37719 ] , the deteriorating domestic economy , and plans for the reorganization of the central bank to incorporate the five eastern Länder ( states ) .
16 Yet it 's early release was marred by gang violence , with at least one fatality and calls for the film to be withdrawn .
17 Documents from the Schools Council , The Tyndale Scandal , Callaghan 's Ruskin speech , the questions posed by academics like Peters , Dearden , Hirst and Bennett , public anxiety about schools and calls for the accountability of teachers demanded action .
18 The report also argues that existing measures such as cameras are unlikely to ensure enforcement and calls for the installation of mechanical speed-limiting equipment in cars and lorries .
19 The perceived insult to their self-respect angered many Japanese and calls for the subjugation of Korea ( seikanron ) increased ; some , concerned about the decline of traditional martial values at home , sought also to divert the samurai into foreign campaigns .
20 A conference of the eight Arctic seaboard countries — Canada , Denmark , Finland , Iceland , Norway , Soviet Union , Sweden , and the United States — on June 13-14 in Rovaniemi , northern Finland , ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution , and calls for the creation of co-operative pollution monitoring programmes covering oil , radiation , heavy metals , organic contaminants , acidification and noise .
21 It estimates that an extra £50m a year will be needed to protect the county from the effects of traffic and calls for the upgrading of the M2/M2 to ease pressure on the M2 ) which will be the main road link to the Tunnel .
22 Lignite Action Group ( LAG ) set itself a three-fold objective : to gather ‘ information concerning the future in relation to what major changes would take place ’ ; to participate ‘ in any discussions and decisions which are to be made concerning our lives ’ and ‘ to be consulted and have our fears and wishes for the future of the community respected and given a fair hearing ’ .
23 Computer science makes a dual contribution to Ryan 's approach to narrativity : on the one hand , it is a source of useful concepts and metaphors for the representation of narrative boundaries ( Chapter 9 ) and of plots ( Chapter 10 ) ; on the other hand , it is presented as an exciting ( although impervious ) testing ground for models and hypotheses concerning the production and interpretation of narratives ( Chapter 11 ) .
24 The real origins and reasons for the emergence of the cult get lost in the outrage at the behaviour of those who possess the style .
25 The length of nails , in relation to the thickness of the wood they are to go through , can be discussed and reasons for the protrusion of nails arrived at .
26 The number of non-party political members of principal councils has declined steadily in recent years and it is usual in the large towns and cities for the authority to be governed by one or more of the political parties acting on a group basis .
27 Bush promised legislation " this year " setting specific goals and timetables for the reduction of acid rain pollution , a long running source of disagreement between the two countries .
28 An analysis of the half-year accounts and projections for the end of 1991 indicated that LAB 's expenditure for the year would be somewhat over budget , due entirely to costs hitherto outside it control .
29 On July 31 the government reached an agreement with trade unions and employers for the abolition of the scala mobile , which since 1946 had guaranteed large numbers of Italian workers wage rises in line with inflation .
30 The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam was founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian India in 1889 and stands for the revival of true Islam .
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