Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ hall ’ includes all the rectangular timber buildings whose only remains are the postholes and beam-slots dug into the subsoil .
2 In the winter spanners and hammers froze to the hands .
3 Both booking and grand halls were decorated in Royal Doulton faience to a height of 7 ft. ; each had mosaic floors and balconies ran round the walls at a height of 30 ft .
4 His beard and teeth got in the way .
5 The bringing together of school-leavers and vacancies began with the adolescent being interviewed at school , after which a form was completed by the headteacher and a member of the SCC , just as the ‘ Friendly Visitors ’ had done prior to 1910 .
6 Its ancient buildings reflect the air of a former age , when the pace of life was slow , when landlords and merchants lived off the fat of the land and when labourers , in vast numbers , worked that land .
7 Though some theory is presented for each , the bulk of the information is the basic practical information and skills imparted to the client .
8 Large towns and cities existed throughout the country .
9 The day of the Agricultural Fair approached and passions rose in the village .
10 Shocked giggles and sniggers ran round the company . ’
11 Their wails and screams rose above the crackle of their burning homes and were made even more blood-curdling by the clangorous din of the church bells that frantically appealed to heaven for aid .
12 There were banana gardens and pawpaw trees , and outriggers lazed on the lagoon .
13 Artists and craftsmen came to the city , not only from northern France and Flanders , but also from England .
14 The dogs would have chips coded with their owners ' names and addresses implanted below the fur .
15 ‘ At eight o'clock in the morning , a vast concourse of ladies and gentlemen appeared on the side of Derwent Lake , where a number of marquees , extending about four hundred yards , were erected . ’
16 Deformed sperms , de-energised sperms and sperms deterred by the acid environment of the womb , were catalogued so that when the camera followed the successful ones on their journey it seemed a miracle that any got to their destination at all .
17 Not all forces responded to that survey , but the results suggested that the percentage of notifiable offences involving the use of sharp instruments and knives fell during the period surveyed .
18 ‘ You 'll Never Walk Alone ’ was sung with gusto and flares glowed on the terraces as Liverpool started with barely controlled frenzy .
19 Today , the Croats insist that the number of Serbs , gypsies and Jews massacred in the camps of the quisling Axis-allied Croatian state was only a tiny fraction of that claimed by the communists .
20 ‘ Three cheers for Taureg ! ’ came the order and once , twice , three times , hats and caps rose in the air and once , twice , three times the assembled well-wishers roared their approval .
21 Rivers flashed by , and mountains appeared on the horizon .
22 She could n't see their features , because they wore facemasks and goggles — not without reason , for when they tipped the ladles to pour , white-hot metal splashed like pancake batter and sparks flew through the air .
23 Nevertheless , the republican parliament was barricaded after the Vilnius killings , and tensions rose in the capital , Tallinn , after two bombs exploded on Jan. 21 at factories which were considered centres of Russian worker resistance to the nationalist government .
24 Over the centuries these Greeks and Karians intermarried with the natives , so that in hellenistic times people called ‘ Karomemphites ’ and ‘ Hellenomemphites ’ , obvious results of miscegenation , are attested in Memphis .
25 Black cracks and gaps yawned in the pillars .
26 Mehta 's assets , as well as those of 30 other individuals and companies implicated in the case , were seized on June 8 ; on June 14 the government announced that it had frozen the assets of three senior bank officials of the State Bank of India .
27 Antoinette 's legs and feet twitched under the covers , would suddenly throw themselves from side to side .
28 Often the activists were fifteen and sixteen years old and parents lived with the fear that their own children could become involved .
29 The machinery and plates came to the Museum from Enfield , North London .
30 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
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