Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
2 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
3 With the narrow lanes around Bentworth , any approaching traffic would have had to give way and cars travelling in the same direction could have been held up .
4 Institute president Ian Plaistowe , after reading a newspaper report of Mr Damant 's views , wrote to the Financial Times saying that : ‘ The reduction of differences in the accounting treatment of events and transactions arising in the same circumstances must surely remain as the standard-setters ’ prime objective' .
5 In Southampton seamen aboard the Olympic jumped the gun by walking off the liner on 9 June following a stoppage by coal bunkerers and trimmers working on the same ship some days earlier .
6 The third reason why we 're , we 're pleased to see you here is that erm as a trades council , we 've and this er and Dick mentioned this in his introduction , we 've initiated a major international programme , major in terms of our size obviously as er as a local body , involving links between union activists here primarily in France er , in northern France , but also links now developing in Spain with the new ferry going between Portsmouth and Bilbao , we 're starting to meet with the unions in Spain who are interested in speaking about the , the , the differences in wages in terms and conditions working for the same ferry company , doing the same jobs in the port , a comparative look at how the , the wages terms and conditions differ and we want to , we want to go and visit them in the autumn and , and work out , and work on more links on a sector basis , so that our colleagues down in Bilbao in northern Spain can link up with people in the , in the , in similar sectors here and we 've done this over the last three and a half years with the unions in France , we 've had exchanges of all sectors , the public sectors , transport , erm , health , social services , shop workers .
7 One way of looking at the effects of the kind of industry they work in is to see whether black people and whites living in the same area — inner cities for example — have similar rates of unemployment .
8 The main difference between the races in the data so far discussed was that in the arrest rates of Blacks and Whites living in the same areas .
9 Among the Bangladeshis , the notion of interdependence of family members — both within and between generations — was clearer , underpinning the practices of parents and children sleeping in the same room and the extended family living together .
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