Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Remarkably , it is commonly the sufferer himself or herself who breaks off social relationships and activities because of a feeling of not being properly appreciated or understood .
2 They should not be denied atoms and molecules because of a lack of primary school laboratories .
3 Its goal was " to achieve a peaceful world where these basic values can be enhanced and where each individual can live a meaningful life with the full development of his or her personality and talents and with the guarantee of human and civil rights in a democratic framework of society " .
4 At the back of the church behind the pulpit were choir room , vestry and toilets and above the vestry a committee room .
5 Students will be expected to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their contribution to the investigation and to comment on their personal feelings and reactions and on the value of the learning gained to their personal and social development .
6 In general , regulation has become formal with more specific guidelines and rules than in the past , coupled with the abolition of many informal agreements such as the minimum commission system and single capacity of the stock exchange , and the interest rate cartel of the building societies .
7 Marks and Spencer is to stop selling organic fruit and vegetables because of a lack of demand .
8 But it was criticised for not making a formal reference to the link between the review and accounts and to the availability of the audited accounts .
9 The ambiguity was the product of two factors : unwillingness to pay for larger armed forces and doubts as to the policy of South Korea itself .
10 There was a rapid increase in the output of journals and books and in the range of and demand for newspapers .
11 There is even a sexual overtone in the use of hands and lips and in the dominance over fire and control of smoke .
12 Thus in the purely Russian ‘ black earth ’ provinces ( as distinct from the Ukraine and the steppe frontier ) capitalist agriculture was slow to develop , labour dues remained prevalent in the late 1880s , while the expansion of tillage ( at the expense of meadows and pastures and at the cost of reinforcing the old three-field system ) lagged far behind the southern grain lands .
13 To do this successfully , care and thought must be given to the choice of words and phrases and to the tone and style .
14 However relatively little is known about their career plans and aspirations or about the impact which non-work issues , such as their domestic commitments , household work strategies and leisure orientations , have on these .
15 " In this second edition of a superbly illustrated text … there are 493 plates , nearly all in colour and most clinical — a few depict histological , microbiological , parasitological , morbid anatomical , and radiological aspects of this extremely important group of diseases — characteristic temperature charts are included also , and there are ECGs from patients with diphtheria and mumps and from a child with measles encephalitis .
16 This is not a matter of communication skills alone despite the emphasis which is placed on the open dialogue between schools and parents and on the need for active publicity .
17 This led to the establishment of after-school clubs for children of junior age , staffed by a team of teachers and parents and to the provision of an activities programme for under-tens in the summer holiday , organised through the Parent-Teacher Association .
18 Phosphates can also be released into lakes and rivers from industrial waste and effluents and from the soil if there is overuse of fertilisers .
19 Once you work in PR there are opportunities for further learning either in connection with colleges and polytechnics , and Universities or through the Institute of Public Relations .
20 The object is to see how people perceive one another in age terms , and how far age is a factor in the allocation of roles and responsibilities and in the choice of friends .
21 This was a position which also continued to express the preference of most abolitionists that government intervention be limited to policy guidelines to be rendered into detailed legislation and implemented by local assemblies and officials except in the Crown Colonies .
22 In a previous issue of JFIT News we announced that we were beginning to draft a proposal for a new Compound Semiconductor Advanced Technology Programme , and we asked for your views and ideas as to the scope of the workplan and the size of the budget .
23 The harbour beyond was a myriad sparkling lights from moored boats and yachts and across the bay the twinkling lights of Palma lit up palm trees and white tower blocks , making them look more stunningly magical by night than by day .
24 Even if you can not reach any gardens or nurseries to see roses in action and have to rely on catalogues and lists , there is a great deal of enjoyment to be derived from weighing up the pros and cons and in the anticipation of the pleasures to come , just like choosing a holiday from the glossy brochures .
25 Fiona chose a short dress in a pale pink shade called blush made of silk dupion decorated with pearls and sequins and with a bustle at the back , a creation by designer Marianne Jessica .
26 To Sigouri was perhaps thirty miles and , although the rain kept away , it was dark and treacherous underfoot and they hardly spoke , men-at-arms or servants or principals , as they guided fresh horses across the grey soil of the Messaoria , splashing over burgeoning rivers ; imperceptible to silent villages , churches and monasteries except by a thud of hooves and the swimming spawn of their brands .
27 This subject has been debated many times over many years and , after much deliberation , it was felt less confusing to say ‘ Basket Only ’ rather than stipulate a specific number of items [ at least for the majority of our stores ] as this tended to cause confrontations between some cashiers and customers as to the quantity of items in the basket .
28 William Golding 's second novel , The Inheritors ( 1955 ) , and his favourite , is about the historically remote world of Neanderthal man , conversing in cries and grunts and on the point of being supplanted by smooth and hairless superior beings ; his third , Pincher Martin ( 1956 ) drowns its hero on the second page and recounts his thoughts in the rest .
29 Or a a different type of livestock maybe better word cos i do n't know You ca n't really count chickens and pigeons as in the way of pets .
30 As usual , much discussion took place on syllabuses and examinations and on the arrangement of courses in colleges .
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