Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun pl] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This two-track approach was seen by the press in member countries as reflecting continued manoeuvring over the role of the United States in the alliance , against a background of US troop reductions in Europe and Franco-German proposals for a European military force .
2 The need was to pick out those people who could skilfully and accurately follow instructions and do low-level clerical and administrative jobs for the metropolitan country .
3 Macaulay Culkin , the 11-year-old star who earns £4 million per movie , was decked out in purple Home Alone 2 T-shirt and mis-matched sneakers for the fun-filled event on the Avenue of The Stars in Los Angeles .
4 National goals and regional policies for the less-favoured areas also vary and grounds for comparison are difficult to establish and may not be relevant .
5 In its final statement the Council rejected United States and Israeli proposals for a regional peace conference and reiterated previous demands for a UN-supervised international conference on the Middle East , to be attended by , among others , the PLO and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .
6 This provides a mechanism that buffers skews in adult sex ratio and which is quite distinct from Fisher 's principle and allied mechanisms for the primary sex ratio .
7 AT THE May meeting of Claudy WI , N Brown of Walworth Garden Centre showed the members how to plant tubs and hanging baskets for a good display during the summer .
8 More than 1,000 pedigree breeders are involved in the scheme , which is based at Lanaud , near Limoges , and it seeks to create an identity and premium markets for the fine-grained , well-marbled lean Limousin beef : that is , genetic improvement with a commercial objective .
9 It is instructive to compare these accounts with another proposed project ( FAO/UNDP ) reported by Velloso ( 1981 ) in Honduras where an effective linkage between the community and Honduran entrepreneurs for the proper exploitation and industrialisation of forests was hoped for .
10 During the 1950s , with advances in techniques for detecting 14 C , discrepancies of several centuries began to emerge between radiocarbon ages and historical ages for the Egyptian Old Kingdom .
11 In the main they were a semi-educated band with neither trade nor union affiliation , and greedy — the occasional client was brought to financial ruin by undertakers charging over-inflated and extortionate prices for an unnecessary spectacle that few could either afford or understand .
12 A new development in 1975 was the construction of a visitor centre which was specially designed to provide extensive and improved facilities for the ever-increasing number of visitors from home and abroad to see in greater comfort and convenience the museum collection — rehoused in 1985 in a new ‘ living ’ museum — and the traditional skills of craftsmen and women at work , which the company continues to regard as an important part of its continuing success .
13 A brilliantly opaque bidding system , requiring a combination of cash tenders and programming prospectuses , diverted the managements of established and would-be contractors for the best part of 18 months , leading — eventually — to a re-allocation of licences in November 1991 , to take effect from January 1993 .
14 Where uncertain about a title ( particularly those in unfamiliar subject fields ) she/he will need to consult selective and evaluative bibliographies for an authoritative opinion before making a final decision .
15 It is possible to do a financial calculation which puts a price on this , by working out the number of hours ‘ caring ’ labour contributed by relatives , and the total amount is equivalent to the whole statutory input of health and social services for the equivalent age groups ( Family Policy Studies , Centre , 1984 ; Finch , 1986b ) .
16 One of the aims of Britain 's health and social services for the past 40 years has been to help old people to live in their own homes .
17 The DES agreed to fund a pilot project for the ten months from October 1989 to July 1990. it aims to identify and recruit twenty German and French teachers for a ten-week course in the coming summer term .
18 Will my right hon. Friend accept my congratulations and those of my right hon. and hon. Friends for the massive increase in health spending that the Government recently announced , which shows beyond doubt the Government 's commitment to the principles of the national health service ?
19 The apocalyptic vision of a rapid transition to socialism was reduced to the more pressing and mundane problem of the extraction of the necessary food and raw materials for the barest survival of the towns and industry .
20 These are maintained schools which provide education for school pupils and mature students alongside social , recreational and cultural activities for the whole community .
21 Back in 1978 the Department of Health and Social Security brought together clinicians , statisticians , health service researchers , economists , and civil servants for a similar seminar addressing waiting times for hospital treatment .
22 Copyright , which under the Copyright Act 1956 extends to every original literary , dramatic , musical , and artistic work , including photographs , sculpture , and architecture , means the sole right of producing or reproducing the work in any material form , and of performing , or in the case of a lecture , delivering , it in public ; it includes the sole right of translation and of converting a dramatic into a non-dramatic work , and vice versa , and of making gramophone records , movie films , and similar devices for the mechanical performance of the work .
23 By highlighting the threat to the constitution from Labour and Liberal plans for a Scottish Parliament and the proportional representation system by which its members would be elected , he consistently and robustly drove home the message that the Tories alone stood as the party of Union , of collective strength in negotations abroad and strong government at home .
24 This section sets out the procedures and standard letters for the first stage of the marketing process .
25 Instead , the government intends to resist pressure from the unions for a freeze , and separate suggestions for a generalised rationing system .
26 The statement ended : ‘ The decision on whether or not the mining of uranium is commenced in Ireland is one which will have profound and serious implications for the entire country .
27 This was not to say that organized and structured prayers for the dead had ceased , for the Roman Rite included plenary intercessions for the living and the dead at every mass ; the annual mass for the departed was on All Souls ' Day , a standard event in the Church 's calendar , set apart for the benefit of souls in purgatory .
28 Similar strategies have been pursued in most Western European and Australasian democracies for a longer period , notably in the UK , where limits on what parties can spend in local constituencies are remarkably stringent .
29 Unlikely projects include music for the opening and closing ceremonies for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic and Sons form Liquid Days ( words by , among others , Paul Simon and Suzanne Vega ) .
30 As was found for Study 2 there were no significant differences between the 10 junctions in overall hit rate , F(9,50)=0.77 , Figure 5.3 shows the mean number of hits and false alarms for the 10 different junctions .
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