Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
2 A new ashpan was added at Bo'ness and extensive work completed on the motion and tender .
3 Altogether , an enjoyable and memorable occasion to reflect on the highlights of your day .
4 At 11 a.m. a heavy rain of ash was falling , and by 11.20 the air was so thick with ash and pumice dust that the sun was blotted out , and total darkness fell on the city , remaining until 1 p.m .
5 The immense amount of detailed experimental and theoretical work done on the equations often allows these new developments to be seen in a fuller context than is possible with newer and less well understood systems .
6 The two resident staff concerned with Phase II of the Exploration for Geothermal Energy Project completed a series of maps at 1:50 000 of four dormant volcanoes — Korosi , Paka , Silali and Emuruangogolak — in the northern Rift Valley , and prepared draft reports on the geology and geothermal activity for each .
7 And what are large quantities of Bulgarian jam , French and West German cheese and British chocolate doing on the supermarket shelves in Asia and Australasia ?
8 Professional and social English based on the story of a large multi-national takeover .
9 Between these , gold-dark , dark-gold and violent pink , lay Lady Rose Martindale , solid but not fat or for in less , indeed very woman-shaped , in pink-and-brown striped silk bathing suit , with gold hair spattered softly over the brown flesh of her shoulders and whitish sand speckled on the gleam of her thighs where she had rolled from side to side .
10 Many women believed that these reforms involved transforming the whole tenor of English public life and creating an ethical and moral climate founded on the teachings of religion .
11 Most of the discussions about the relationships between class , state , economy and civil society proceed on the basis of a ‘ unitary conception ’ of the working class .
12 Instead , he has relied on great fitness and stamina to enable him to keep sprinting in at full pace , and speed of arm and perfect balance to capitalize on the momentum ; combined with an unrelenting desire to keep on taking more and more wickets , it has all proved irresistible .
13 Begun in 1105 , the east end is Lombard but the west front has a tower like that at Trani ( 374 ) and Tuscan type arcading on the gable façade and the three Romanesque doorways ( 341 ) .
14 I did , however , manage to persuade Bantam to use a better photograph on the British edition than the miserable and out-of-date photo used on the American edition .
15 Plumes of shining pink and amber grass flourished on the thatch of their roofs .
16 The number , size , and fine structure depend on the temperature of crystallization , which determines the critical size of the nucleating centre .
17 An archaeological excavation is being carried out this summer to reveal part of the abbey 's latrine block and great drain , and Friends will be shown the excavated area as well as artefacts and fine stonework found on the site during previous excavations .
18 In order to help you obtain a broad background to recent philosophical and clinical developments in nursing , I have resisted the urge to present you with my own very limited definitions of changes which have occurred , and instead I have prepared exercises and suggested reading based on the criteria outlined by the UKCC on desired outcomes for successful completion of a re-entry programme .
19 To make most rivers navigable , the water level must be raised by building weirs ; there is little doubt that the navigation structures built on the Leicestershire Soar in the 1770s worsened the local drainage , as did eighteenth- and nineteenth-century navigation works on the Thames and in Somerset .
20 Stress that the new Asylum Bill must establish fair and effective asylum procedures , with an oral hearing and reasonable time limits on the preparation of appeals ;
21 Sotheby 's case for being discharged from this hugely expensive and embarrassing case rested on the argument that it was merely the custodian of the treasure , was unaware that its export licences from the Lebanon had been fraudulently acquired , and that it had no further interest in the treasure .
22 After a time a magnificent escarpment of red and pink stone closed on the road from the east .
23 Always make cuts at a slightly sloping angle — as shown in the sketch , and never at an angle that would allow rain , dew , and heavy moisture to lie on the open cut .
24 There is no change in the North West estuaries either but extensive new sewage treatment and industrial treatment works on the estuary will mean cleaner water in future .
25 It is proposed that a person 's behaviour varies across situations in a characteristic and systematic way depending on the subjective perception and interpretation of the respective situation .
26 The lay members are intended to bring industrial experience and practical knowledge to bear on the issues coming before the tribunal .
27 The first edition , dated 1796 , apparently contained the notorious instruction , in the treatment of ‘ staggers ’ , of having the ‘ hair clipped off the pasterns as high as the fetlock , and boiling water poured on the part twice a day ’ .
28 As he strode out into the darkness , the gloom and chill of the evening only served to sharpen his anticipation , so that he had no eyes for the RIC men on patrol , the few pedestrians hurrying along , or the horse and cart just moving off beside him on the road , the barely discernible name JAS SULLIVAN painted on the cart 's side and a burly figure with a flattened nose and scarred face hunched on the driver 's seat , desultorily twitching the reins .
29 Supposing that I could stand on the hills surrounding this Castle and send out the Samhailt , the ancient and precious gift bestowed on the Noble Houses of Ireland ?
30 Literacy among the children of noblemen was increasing and secular literature based on the spoken language of Muscovy began to rival the traditional fare of saints ' lives written in Church Slavonic .
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