Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Insofar as good credit scoring systems weigh up an individual 's characteristics and background in a way which truly and accurately does reflect wide experience of similar characteristics and background , these systems can discriminate between good and bad risks more reliably than non-scoring systems which make a more partial and subjective stab at the same target .
2 Under the reform , elections would be held under a system of proportional representation , with officials re-electable for four-year periods but unable to occupy several positions at the various levels of local and regional government at the same time .
3 The presence of both wet and dry sand in the same tray might prompt comparison of what each type feels like or the way each behaves .
4 Such a company will employ many skills associated with EP ( integrating text and image , generating high-quality and low-quality frames from the same image , scaling , etc. ) but it will be on a tight budget .
5 3 Now write a short description of yourself which sums up your strong and weak points in the same way as the descriptions on this page .
6 It seems strange to extend the hand of friendship and economic co-operation to the same countries that we are threatening with mass extermination .
7 There are also some examples of local cooperation between — for instance — public libraries and technical colleges in the same geographical area , many of these systems offering technical information services to local firms .
8 Unlike the cycads , they produce both pollen and egg-bearing cones on the same tree .
9 This decrease in the CO2 yield corresponds to the increase in hydrocarbon yield ( the total cumulative yield : is the same for both coals ) and since chemical analyses of the Palaeozoic and Tertiary coals at the same maturity were very similar , it can be inferred that there are internal differences in the chemical structures of the two coal types .
10 We would advise the beginner never to write his cello and bass parts on the same stave : if he does , he will almost surely fall into the error of over-using the double bass , his mind 's ear , which acts through his eye , being almost certain to fail to register the lower octave .
11 It seems important that children should not be confronted by unfamiliar ideas and unfamiliar language at the same time .
12 Usually the art historical and scientific approaches to the same problem reach broadly the same conclusion , even though it may be necessary to rely heavily on one of the approaches to make sense of the other .
13 The cultural interests of this general sector , defined by specific kinds of educational achievement , can be clearly distinguished from those of the directly industrial and commercial sectors of the same dominant class .
14 The officers ' activities were spurred by the contemporary knowledge of mortality differences between town and country , different towns , and different areas in the same town ( Woods 1982 ) .
15 One of the main reasons why intra industry trade has risen , right , is not only that consumers want to purchase different varieties and different qualities of the same good erm that it , it 's very easy to differentiate the product in manufactured goods right .
16 Patty Sheehan shot a final-round 67 at Woburn to become the first woman to win the US and British Opens in the same year .
17 ‘ It is not possible to have high inflation and high unemployment at the same time ’ ( The views of a respected economist , mid-1970 's )
18 They are teaming up with British and American publishers for simultaneous English and German editions of the same book , or themselves issuing an increasing number of bilingual ( usually German/English ) books .
19 Denver has also chosen to situate its Spanish Colonial and pre-Columbian installations on the same floor , with an emphasis on exploring continuities between periods before and after the Spanish Conquest , a politically delicate approach in the U.S. museum world .
20 I was fascinated to see a friend train her horses so that she could pick up and clean out front and hind feet from the same side , working in order of near fore , off fore , near hind , off hind .
21 He had never been an impressive priest — dispensing sacraments , sermons and whist-drive announcements with the same patient ennui , like a weary shopkeeper who has forgotten why he ever started to sell .
22 But as the pictorial innovations of Picasso and Braque — the construction of a painting in terms of a linear grid or framework , the fusion of objects with their surroundings , the combination of several views of an object in a single image , and of abstract and representational elements in the same picture — began to influence a widening circle of artists , the style became distinguishable by virtue of these features .
23 I 'll concede that the use of Superstor complicates the issue with its compressed and non-compressed sections on the same physical drive and its swapping designations between drives C and D.
24 Jordanova suggests that the search to define femininity by recourse to anatomy was a search for aesthetic and moral ideals at the same time ; she says of these models , ‘ The figures of recumbent women seem to convey for the first time the sexual potential of medical anatomy . ’
25 A well broken , loose and particulate soil will have characteristics different to a uniform and unbroken film of the same type .
26 The difference of the other becomes a displaced and intensified facet of the same , the object of desire and disgust .
27 Occasionally the inner and outer cases of the same watch were made of silver of different standards .
28 Domestic and personal correspondence from the same period is extremely rare , which is fortunate for the collector , who will not have to bother himself with palaeography , the deciphering of ancient hands .
29 One said afterwards : ‘ There were numerous other offences such as preparing raw and cooked meat on the same surfaces . ’
30 The same author has also many illustrations of closely spaced badlands type of valley pattern on impervious igneous and metamorphic rocks in the same region .
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