Example sentences of "and [art] [noun pl] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er , it 's something that will be welcomed by the trade union movement , a new forward , a new beginning to join once again the fruits of our labour with partnership with other unions and the Labour Party which was what we all need , but it must be done with careful planning and the brains at the top of the union must be telling the of the union , the members on the shop floor , the right direction in which to walk .
2 The term ‘ bow shock ’ arises because of certain similarities between Figure 9.2 and the conditions at the bow of a boat when it is moving through water .
3 To help you , use the references for further reading and the questions at the end of each chapter .
4 And then the it goes on about setting up the single but dynamic standards a setting system it 's called , divided into local level groups like a tier system , you get the Managing Director on the top and the ones at the bottom .
5 Warmth on her cheek , and the muscles at the corners of her mouth were clenching , dragging her lower lip downwards .
6 Erm I think we 're er er we 're quite clear at the moment that the correct erm interpretation of it from our point of view is as a fixed asset investment and unless something changes in the er constitution of the company , erm although it may be erm the guiding thing become profitable I think one 's got to play by the rules and the rules at the moment say it is n't one .
7 Where a treaty is silent on assignability certain factors should be weighed to determine its legitimacy , for example the intention of the parties and their interests , the background to the negotiations and the circumstances at the conclusion of the treaty , the subject matter and terms of the treaty , the identity of the assignee and its relationship with the treaty parties , the impact of the assignment on the original parties , and any domestic regulations that might be relevant .
8 The wings are very broad and thick at the base and the feathers at the end of the wings are parted like the fingers of a human hand .
9 When his father died in June 1747 , Jeremiah took over a thriving business and the premises at the corner of Beaufort Buildings , Strand .
10 Erm number of projects meetings er was n't er was n't completed , and the boxes at the bottom er but er planning permission was erm ticked as a constraint er I wondered what the basis was behind that , for ticking it ?
11 In all my years of experience , I would suggest that only the smallest minority of pension holders have appreciated the fact that returns on death were derisory , and that there was a relationship between the benefits on death and the benefits at the end .
12 But on controversial bills , many of the amendments at the committee stage and the debates at the end of each clause on the motion ‘ that clause X stand part of the bill ’ merely give the Opposition a chance to reiterate its objections .
13 The Robemaker liked a hand in their direction and the creatures at the cart took up massive double-edged axes and began to hack the Tree into small sections .
14 So I 'll finish with the captain and the others at the island . ’
15 Ms Streisand , in the same paper , claimed that the press would be happier if she spent her free time shopping , and pointed out , quite fairly , that she and the others at the correspondents ' dinner had been invited there .
16 Of course Mr Brooke and the others at the Northern Ireland Office wo n't give in to terrorism .
17 So popular was this concert that there was no admission charge , only a collection , as it went on for two evenings , but strangely enough , David did n't offer to take part , although George Underwood did and he had a very popular group called George and the Dragons at the time .
18 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
19 The messenger sent ahead had ensured that there would be no difficulty in entering the palace compound , and the guards at the gate did no more than salute as the litter passed within the walls .
20 When they turned off the main road Uncle George had to drive at little more than walking pace , for he could n't see where the lane ended and the ditches at the sides began , for snow cloaked everything .
21 I planned participant observation among the non-activists at the workplace and the activists at the branch .
22 Water-snails feed on the green growth ( algae ) that gradually covers the inside of the aquarium and the stones at the bottom .
23 Another thing that was a disappointment for me was missing the traditional breaking through the ropes and the spectators at the end ; getting the police escort through to the last .
24 A group from Switzerland turned up on the doorstep of Low Birk Hatt on her birthday ( they knew — they had gifts ) , a whole cheese arrived overland from New Zealand , and the rooms at the farm began to fill up .
25 Have been too close to it and it had , and the vents at the back had got churned up with dust at one time , I keep dusting it now .
26 I was used as an enforcer in those days and the men at the top wanted it stopped .
27 Along the bottom of the mandible the incisor is broken into three fragments ; the body of the mandible is broken into one main piece and a large number of smaller fragments ; and the molars at the top are ready to fall out and the posterior molar has almost disintegrated .
28 Frequency of the trains had been increased but the swollen crowds filled up the tunnels and the escalators at the interchanges .
29 I 'm sure your spirits will rise to the occasion like the balloons in our logos and the banners at the side here .
30 As he stowed the edenwort and the kohlrabi at the back of the cupboard , he saw his mother 's strained , pale face as she boasted , unconvincingly , of her son 's prowess to a neighbour .
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