Example sentences of "and [art] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er , it 's something that will be welcomed by the trade union movement , a new forward , a new beginning to join once again the fruits of our labour with partnership with other unions and the Labour Party which was what we all need , but it must be done with careful planning and the brains at the top of the union must be telling the of the union , the members on the shop floor , the right direction in which to walk .
2 Mr Patten , a former Tory research officer and the brains in the Thatcher team , has been involved in the great behind-the-scenes task of the week at the Imperial Hotel , Blackpool .
3 For Yegor Gaidar , First Deputy Prime Minister and the brains behind the shock therapy , this was an attack on his government 's freedom .
4 I have seen schools with their own livestock — chickens , goats and rabbits ; and schools where the only livestock in evidence were the bats in the roof and the cockroaches in the latrine .
5 for storing the engines and the coaches for the excursions
6 These relate to each of the preceding sections , that is the modalities of the sensation , the modalities of the diarrhoea , and the modalities of the nausea and vomiting .
7 He begins to read , beautifully , lyrically , with heartfelt empathy , a poem by Wole Soyinka in which the poet tried to rent a room in London in the 1950s , and the landladies on the telephone ask him just precisely how black he is .
8 They let it lye three or four days in this Condition ; which Time they allowe , as well to give the dead Person an Opportunity of Coming to Life again , if his Soul has not quite left his Body , as to prepare Mourning , and the Ceremonies of the Funerall .
9 Misson , in his commentary on the English funeral , tells us what happened next , and why : ‘ They let it [ the corpse ] lye three of four Days … which Time they allow , as well to give the dead Person an Opportunity of Coming to Life again , if his Soul has not quite left his Body , as to prepare Mourning , and the Ceremonies of the Funeral . ’
10 I am concerned about the contents of , lack of objectivity of and lack of thoroughness in the study that was carried out by the Environmental Advisory Unit of Liverpool University Ltd. for the Government and the promoters of the Bill , Cardiff Bay development corporation , when there was still a private Bill , in preparation for the Government 's hybrid Bill , which was laid before the House on Tuesday .
11 It was taken out of the context of the early punks and placed alongside the hammer and sickle , the IRA and PLO slogans and any other symbols which could be guaranteed to raise the hackles and the eyebrows of the BOF 's ( remember them ? ) .
12 It does not always have such an effect and the mechanics of the process are much less widely recognised , and even more generally obscure .
13 which we certainly were n't doing , were we , in the last last year er review and the mechanics of the fax service we already thought that took up a lot of hours you know just putting , faxing them through , receiving them
14 I , I think it 's regrettable that the concerns and the criticisms of the use of open dips er , has still not gone away in spite of what the institute 's said .
15 Go back to your priestly intolerance , back to your blasphemous masses , back to your beads , holy water , holy smoke and stinks and remember we are the sons of the martyrs whom your church butchered and we know your church to be the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth .
16 The official letter giving the amount of grant we would receive and the conditions of the grant had yet to be received by the Society .
17 But to my mind the boy could begin by showing more respect altogether to people like your father who have been listening to what the League says about the problems of the land and the bosses and the conditions of the men and women who work on it .
18 And the conditions on the ground floor are somewhat different .
19 It follows , then , that in an exchange rate union , in contrast to a currency union , monetary integration may not be complete and the conditions for the creation of monetary union may not be satisfied because of the persistence of uncertainty regarding intra-union exchange rates .
20 The term ‘ bow shock ’ arises because of certain similarities between Figure 9.2 and the conditions at the bow of a boat when it is moving through water .
21 Ashmolean Museum , Oxford , has bought its first Poussin drawing , the ‘ View of the Tiber Valley ’ , attributed to Claude until Blunt gave it to Poussin , ( £156,450 , est. £70–100,000 ; NACF , NHMF , the Hulme Fund , and the Friends of the Ashmolean and the Purchase Grant Fund support ) .
22 He is vice-chairman of the Darlington and district hospice appeal and president of the Rotary Club , the Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society and the Friends of the Memorial Hospital .
23 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
24 It was the latter who , unable to find a private buyer , announced on 11 April 1989 that BR must continue to operate the 72 mile route , a triumph for the three coordinating bodies — Transport 2000 , The Settle & Carlisle Action Committee and the Friends of the Settle & Carlisle .
25 Kennedy was fighting on the issue of public accountability for scientists , and the Friends of the Earth were pressing for the withdrawal of Federal funding for recombinant experiments .
26 Delano was hired as a photographer by the Farm Security Administration ( FSA ) in 1940 , which was set up to document the plight of the displaced farmer and the accomplishments of the Roosevelt administration 's agricultural relocation and land-improvement programs .
27 What should be the relationship between these various ingredients of citizenship , and in particular between civil , political and social rights , the duties , legal and moral , of citizens and the duties of the state ?
29 Once appointed at a grade lower than one should be one has to face up to colleagues who are uncertain about the role and the duties of the candidate .
30 It ripened the fruit on the trees and the grapes on the vines slowly and thoroughly , and yet left the abundant streams running with clear water .
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