Example sentences of "and [prep] the other [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And with the other exception of the chief executive who according to his er conditions of appointment has a three months notice period .
2 It has already been suggested that the drafter 's primary objective is to transfer , so far as possible , the risks of the contract away from his/her client and onto the other party to the contract .
3 From the Parliamentary answers to which I have referred , and from the other evidence before us in these appeals , it is clear that the procedure now followed can be summarised as follows .
4 Inside the house all the bedrooms have magnificent views across the lovely countryside , over to the Snowdonia mountains and in the other direction to Anglesey .
5 Upstairs we have a violinist , downstairs another one , in the next room a singing-master who gives lessons , and in the other room opposite ours an oboist .
6 Relatively inexpensive , it may on the one hand inspire confidence in the wearer and on the other act as a tactile reminder that he/she has a bad knee .
7 And on the other roundabout for that matter .
8 There is probably an equal number of people , for example , who think that the less able have a poor deal , and that the system should be geared more towards improving their lot , and on the other hand of those who think that it is the most able who suffer , and that we are wasting our educational resources unless we tilt the system towards them .
9 In the late 1980s it has seemed that social workers and their agencies have been caught in a political crossfire between being criticized on the one hand for allowing some children to suffer unnecessarily , sometimes to the point of death , at the hands of their parent(s) or guardian(s) , and on the other hand of intervening unwarrantably into other families and removing their children inappropriately .
10 I entirely agree with this decision and with the passage cited but it is important to note that when Nolan J. spoke of the alternatives which ‘ must both be made available to the subject ’ he was , as I think , clearly referring to the alternative on the one hand of allowing the breath specimen to stand and on the other hand of exercising the right to have it replaced by a specimen of blood or urine in accordance with section 7(4) .
11 The desired religion therefore , must be acceptable , on the one hand to those who follow it because their belief is founded on logic-induced conviction , and on the other hand to those who come to believe , because tentative faith has been given them by others and who have reached conviction through experience .
12 If we listen on the one hand to the Secretary of State for the Environment and on the other hand to the Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities , it seems that the DOE has something like Dr. Doolittle 's ’ Push-me — pull-you . ’
13 Through several stages , the subject moves to an increasing degree of separation which allows on the one hand for the development of greater variability and specificity , and on the other hand for the development of abstraction .
14 On one hand for tea , and on the other hand for coffee .
15 Our life is characterised on the one hand by a certain cosiness of Christian fellowship and on the other hand by a pleasant familiarity with the secular world : we work in it , spend our hard earned income on it , and take some of our pleasures from it .
16 Another charge of a similar kind is that Barth was excessively concerned with ontology , with the rationale of the being of God ; that he misused biblical terms and concepts on the one hand by treating them semi-literally as ‘ ontic ’ , as descriptive of the way things actually are when they are often pictorial or metaphorical , and on the other hand by turning the whole of Scripture into a vast allegory of Jesus Christ ; and that this reflected a Platonist streak in his thinking which encouraged an unbalanced concentration on eternal realities rather than the actual world of concrete life and experience .
17 The Act also tries to encourage sentencers to pass fewer custodial sentences by on the one hand extending to adult offenders the kind of statutory criteria that have been used with some success in the past on younger age groups ( see Chapter 9 ) ; and on the other hand by strengthening community penalties in the hope of increasing their appeal to sentencers .
18 But it does not follow that there may not be a difference in the procedures which are appropriate on the one hand in requiring the driver to provide a specimen of blood or urine under section 7(4) where it is obligatory for him to do so because one of the circumstances specified in section 7(3) has arisen , and on the other hand in informing the driver of his right under section 8(2) to claim that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol should be replaced by a specimen of blood or urine under section 7(4) .
19 Then it goes to the copy editor , who says marvellous things like , ‘ The door was on this side of the room on page 24 , and on the other side on page 124 . ’
20 And on the other side of the Atlantic too .
21 Do n't just limit this to everything in front of you , but look [ all ] around you , even behind you and on the other side of the sail .
22 And on the other side of the river , Gorigāuń4 , hidden From sight by the curve of a wooded hillside , projected above itself a pale orb of hazy reddish light .
23 As she watched , a small car drove slowly past and made for a cottage at the far end and on the other side of the narrow track .
24 That state was called the In Ovo , and on the other side of it lay four worlds , the so-called Reconciled Dominions .
25 And on the other side of the beaches , they are protected by the sea .
26 A trapped fly buzzed intermittently against the window panes and on the other side of the window the life of the harbour went on its unhurried way .
27 I dial his number and on the other side of the airwell Kyle picks up his phone .
28 Then coming along Street you come to the picture frame people and then the Conservative Club , then there was the big house further on towards the top of Street and that was owned by somebody named Winnie , was my second wife 's she went to school with her they used but her father lived there , and on the other side of the road you got the toy shop and er the draper 's shop on the corner of er Road then there was the newsagents and one or two people kept that , but that takes you from the top of Street straight the way up to Caldmore .
29 Now on Green , now we go , we 've come along from the top of Street right along Road , the toy shop then you get to the Kings Arms and on the other side of the road there was another pub and I ca n't remember the name of it , then there was the fish shop and then the Liberal Club then the pork butchers you 'd think they were all full of meat .
30 There is a kind of insularity at Lochranza cut off from the Corrie side by the great glens and hills of Sannox and on the other side by the long wild uninhabited coastal stretch to Catacol .
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