Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Harris married in 1820 and about the same time began his long association with the British Museum , where , in addition to supplying facsimiles , he served as an attendant in the reading rooms .
2 With THE PRINCE OF TIDES ( 15 Odeon Leicester Square ) Barbara Streisand crowns 30 years of success as actress and singer , and for the second time moves into another creative area — as director and producer .
3 In the whole history of a people its holiest moment is when it awakens from its unconsciousness and for the first time thinks of its old holy rights .
4 He met the descendants of Lascar seamen or other immigrants who settled into Liverpool and for the first time saw the need for justice to an immigrant community .
5 Despite Kipling 's dictum that " Never the twain shall meet " , the East had reached out and touched the West with a premonition , perhaps , of the planetary holism which was to grip our minds less than a century later when we walked on the moon , looked back , and for the first time saw the whole earth rising as a single bubble of life .
6 Aloud he said , ‘ Is Fergus completely lost to us ? ’ and for the first time saw the golden-eyed creature hesitate .
7 Also on Jan. 8 at the weekly Monday demonstration in Leipzig protesters chanted anti-SED slogans and for the first time called for the resignation of both Modrow and Gregor Gysi ( who had replaced Egon Krenz as SED leader in December — see p. 37108 ) .
8 Dunlop refused and for the first time revealed that he considered himself to be the sole owner of the horse .
9 She thought suddenly that she had taken Dr Neil for granted , that she had not fully realised either his hard work or his dedication , and for the first time understood the impulse which had caused him to leave the cushioned life of a younger son of a good family and become an East End doctor instead .
10 He nodded , and for the first time paused and looked into her eyes .
11 Mine Host Norman raised his glass of Highland Park whisky yesterday and for the first time managed to raise a smile from the assembled guests .
12 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
13 She accepted a glass of water and for the first time looked round in order to take in the room and the people before her .
14 Shamlou stood before her , and for the first time looked properly at his victim .
15 During the Seventies , in my Lovin' Spoonful London Hippie period , I favoured tiny , blue-tinted , gold-rimmed Lennon specs like everyone else — and for the first time felt utterly at peace ( man ) with my bespectacled self .
16 These high-performance , rugged tools are claimed to offer the best value for money on the market for the enthusiastic d-i-yer and tradesman , and for the first time offer the possibility of a battery recharging time of just a quarter of an hour .
17 Le Monde reported on April 26 that the government had decided to reverse previous government policy and for the first time to pay 6,200,000 marks to an Israeli foundation for holocaust survivors .
18 It was , however , his permanent design of the deceptively simple 1920 Whitehall Cenotaph ( originally erected in wood and plaster as a saluting point for the Victory March Past of Allied troops in July 1919 ) that put him in the eye of the general public and for the first time turned Lutyens into a household name .
19 This did recommend involvement of the voluntary sector on joint liaison committees and for the first time give access for voluntary agencies to make direct application to health boards without having to seek prior sponsorship from the local authority .
20 Now those other products are finally in production and for the first time Excel is going to be judged upon its merits rather than its laurels .
21 Of those , the Trooper 's got the edge and for the first time leads its own sub-section of 4 × 4 off-roaders .
22 Proposals were made to give new powers to the police to control protest , as well as other processions and assemblies , and for the first time to require organisers to inform the police of their intentions in advance .
23 The passing out parade was held on Saturday , 23 February 1918 , which ended with Charlie marching his section up and down the parade ground keeping step with the regimental band , and for the first time feeling like a soldier even if Tommy still resembled a sack of potatoes .
24 Digital Equipment Corp has announced that it will offer a new hub backplane , code-named One Hub , in early 1993 , plugging the gap at the high end of the DEChub 90 range and for the first time offering Ethernet , Token Ring , and the Fibre Distributed Data Interface , FDDI , at first , and Asynchronous Transfer Mode high-speed networking technology , when it becomes available , in one product .
25 Someone who , through years of toil among parish registers , discerns and for the first time explains the minutiae of demographic change in a northern mill town , is clearly doing that sort of thing .
26 But to be made a deacon was for the first time to profess before a multitude that the soul undertook the cause of God in a special ministry , and for the first time to feel sent to an apostolic work .
27 The Lord Chancellor has publicly invited the profession to put forward its own proposals for savings and in the little time allowed , the following package has now been put to the Lord Chancellor .
28 It will probably not go unnoticed if you appear well organized at this stage , and it will certainly help you to appear at the right place and at the right time looking calm and unruffled .
29 This means that we have to specify a number of assumptions , and those we have chosen are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of how the economy works and at the same time to simplify the analysis in a way which enables us to see clearly how DD unemployment can arise .
30 Breathe in through your nose and at the same time bring your hands to shoulder height , palms facing forward .
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