Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 The first step in the construction of this diagram is to consider separately the conditions for equilibrium for the representative firm on the one hand , and for the representative household on the other .
2 After she fell in love with Astrid , she became Dragonfly Moonchild , the world her oyster , and for the first time on the daily journey , she saw an adventure playground over the hoardings by the Elephant and Castle , and all the poles were painted like a carousel .
3 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
4 The street grid at Catterick , east of Dere Street and opposite the original settlement on the west ( see fig. 30 ) , appears to represent the best-known example of a later addition .
5 I enjoyed reading the review by James Hall of Piero Manzoni , Catalogue Raisonné ( The Art Newspaper , No. 20 , July-September , p.16 ) , not just as publisher of the catalogue and of the first monograph on the artist ( Milan , 1967 ) , but also as a friend of Piero Manzoni , in his private and his public life together we did Tavole di accertamento ( 1958–60 ) , published in 1962 .
6 Such recall led the individual to a deeper understanding of himself and of the traumatic effect on his life of the hitherto ‘ forgotten ’ incidents .
7 Pakistan , which had a short time before recognized Azerbaijan 's independence , recognized the independence of the Central Asian republics and of the Russian Federation on Dec. 20 , following a three-week visit to the Soviet Union by the Minister of State for the Economy which ended on Dec. 18 .
8 During the war she was a member of the consumers ' council of the Ministry of Food and of the Central Committee on Women 's Training and Employment .
9 The effects of unemployment and of the economic situation on the demand for HE have been the subject of little study .
10 As early as the 1880s , however , the new order was already being threatened from below by the rise of mass anti-semitic movements on the right and of the working-class movement on the left .
11 He left for Birmingham ahead of the team for a managers meeting yesterday and with coach Jens will be working hard to get the best out of the team against Iceland and against the Czech Republic on Thursday and the USA on Friday .
12 To cope with the Gaullist surge ( and with the communist threat on their other flank ) , the centrist parties committed to the status quo made a virtue of necessity by banding together to form what they called the " Third Force " .
13 Full diplomatic relations were established with China on July 21 [ see p. 37628 ] and with the Soviet Union on Sept. 17 [ see p. 37696 ] .
14 Diplomatic relations were established with North Korea on June 20 and with the Soviet Union on June 25 .
15 And with the new stress on games and militaristic training came undoubted echoes of imperialism and also of a race consciousness ; the notion that the upper middle class were a race apart with separate physical possibilities and powers .
16 Their wild descendants are still very much at large today , and with the gradual encroachment on their habitat there are increasing reports in the local newspapers of troupes of elephants rampaging through Sumatran villages in grand old-fashioned style .
17 To calculate unc Feynman tells us that we should think of all the different ways in which an old-fashioned electron with classically picturable simultaneous position and momentum could travel from the source through slit 1 and onto the specified point on the second screen .
18 Thomas Stocking produced the rococo plasterwork in all the main rooms , and in the eastern bedroom on the first floor there are plaster birds flying overhead .
19 The Sino-Portuguese Joint Liaison Group , first convened in April 1988 [ see p. 36765 ] , held its fifth meeting in Lisbon , the Portuguese capital , on Aug. 1-2 , 1989 , when Macao 's participation in the International Maritime Organization and in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade were discussed .
20 In August 1911 the diehard peers used language as violent as any that Law was to use later , and in the crucial decision on the House of Lords Law sided with the hedgers rather than the ditchers .
21 We have had commitments from Home Secretaries and Ministers of State at the Dispatch Box , in Committee and in the Select Committee on Home Affairs , when they have promised to do various things , but they still have not done them .
22 The entitlements per prisoner were printed in English and in the local language on a large notice outside the kitchen .
23 And in the marine section on page 74 LES HOLLIDAY sets up a sound marine tank for under £250 …
24 It is worth mentioning the spread of opinion — and it would be easy to enlarge it — because his was that rare character which stamped itself effortlessly and in the same way on every sort of company .
25 The daily body rhythms are timed similarly in different individuals , and in the same individual on different days , with regular differences of only a few hours between the timing of , say , the body temperature rhythm in ‘ larks ’ and ‘ owls ’ , for example .
26 Walkers in a hurry can sneak across on a passenger ferry and over the facing hill on a cart track to Dundonnell , saving nearly twenty miles and the best part of a day .
27 Iran had boycotted the pilgrimage for the third consecutive year in protest both over a quota system limiting the number of pilgrims ( to an estimated 1,500,000 ) and over the Saudi ban on political protests during the pilgrimage .
28 Then it goes to the copy editor , who says marvellous things like , ‘ The door was on this side of the room on page 24 , and on the other side on page 124 . ’
29 The re-development took place while retaining the original ( 1910 ) granite and Portland stone façade on Great Tower Street and this was replicated at the rear of the building and down the open side on Idol Lane .
30 Our sole function is to provide as much information as possible to our member organizations and to the general public on the environmental , social and economic impacts of gold-mining in the north Galway and South Mayo areas .
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