Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Cottam suggested that he too should have been paid for his fortnight 's service , but the Governors replied that they were under the impression that " his services had been tendered on behalf of and as the personal friend of Mr. Hamilton " .
2 ‘ It has been a special privilege to serve under you in the Cabinet as Chief Secretary and as the first Secretary of State for National Heritage .
3 The Cambridge deputy orator of 1957 commended him for his ecumenical work , and as the tireless pastor of the northern province , and made no mention of his academic originality — perhaps the ghost of Bethune-Baker still peeped through a window of the Senate House .
4 These developments reflect the government 's acceptance of the importance of education as the key instrument in the liberation of human talent and as the principal agent of the country 's economic regeneration .
5 They heard no more from behind them and as the small amount of sky they could see between the tree-tops was clouded over there was nothing to give them direction .
6 The Order of Things by contrast points to the emergence of historicity as a mode of understanding , and argues that ‘ History ’ , both as a form of knowledge and as the primary state of being of empirical phenomena — broadly speaking , the assumption of all Marxisms — is itself a historical phenomenon .
7 The classical spirit in which he was trained never lost its hold upon him ; the spirit of the pagan authors he revered in their original languages coexisted in his mind with an Anglicanism more committed in substance than fervent in style ; and as the new novel of the 1950s revived the techniques of eighteenth-century fiction , so did Lewis 's critical prose revive the world of hard-hitting supper-party debates that Boswell records .
8 Here we might recall Derrida 's criticism of Levinas 's history ‘ as a blinding to the other , and as the laborious procession of the same ’ .
9 This is the ‘ region ’ for which extensive social and economic trend information is available and it has a practical reality as the area of responsibility of the Northern Regional Health Authority and as the regional level of organization of central state departments .
10 Analysing the Marxist theory of the state is complicated by Marxism 's continuing role as the most radical and threatening critique of capitalism and liberal democracy , and as the official ideology of governments nominally engaged in revolutionary struggle against ‘ bourgeois ’ regimes .
11 Astec is well-known as a leading edge Unix house in Japan , and as the local distributor of Centerline Software 's Saber products .
12 He likes Basingstoke and as the youngest member of the cast of 16 , he is enjoying himself immensely as Young Charlie in Little Tramp — he reckons it is the best show he 's been in .
13 The Middle East was seen as the sea and , later , the air crossroads of the Eastern Hemisphere ; as the land bridge between Europe , Asia and Africa ; and as the main source of sterling oil upon which Britain and Western Europe were becoming increasingly dependent .
14 On the other hand the EEC Nine produces only 64% of its consumption of sheep meat and it is generally assumed that the UK with approximately 25% of the EEC sheep flock and as the leading producer of 50% of Community production is well placed to reap some advantage which could be of benefit to the hills and upland areas .
15 Initially Foucault argues that the stasis of what he calls the ‘ Classical Order ’ gave way to ‘ History ’ — which took over both as the form of knowledge and as the fundamental mode of being for empirical phenomena .
16 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , as the all-party talks on the future administration of the Province are stalled , probably until after the general election , and as the previous review of local government in Northern Ireland took place more than 20 years ago , this is an ideal moment for an independent body to be asked to consider the structure and limited powers of present local authorities in terms of whether they meet the contemporary aspirations of people in Northern Ireland ?
17 Now , I know our views on this will differ somewhat , but even the European Commission has publicly expressed its concern just recently over the levels of unemployment across Europe and about the international competitiveness of European industry compared with the rest of the world .
18 ‘ Fundamental questions are being posed at the same time about the company itself and about the strategic character of the industry . ’
19 It was fifteen days before Isambard 's inconspicuous agents in Pool and about the hospitable courtyard of Strata Marcella picked up traces of the Welsh marauders .
20 In a 1975 introduction to his first novel , Jill , Larkin has revealed what his college life in war-time Oxford was like , and how he first met Amis there — an account somewhat amended by Amis in his contribution to Larkin at Sixty ( 1982 ) ; and collections of essays with titles like My Oxford ( 1977 ) and My Cambridge ( 1977 ) have assembled reminiscences of how mind and character were once forged round and about the tender age of twenty .
21 Leapor communicated with a ‘ Gentleman ’ about the choice of a specimen to be printed with the proposals , about revisions , and about the total number of lines she had written [ see ML , 2 , 314–315 ] .
22 This year several publishers on the upper levels complained about the heat , and about the confusing layout of the stands .
23 Resolutions on Palestine and on Lebanon expressed concern about the continued transfer of Jews to Israeli-occupied territories and about the Israeli occupation of parts of southern Lebanon , calling for Israeli withdrawal .
24 My hon. Friend the Member for Westminster , North characteristically set the record straight about manpower allocations in the police force and about the critical role of Her Majesty 's chief inspector of constabulary in objectively advising the Home Secretary on correct force levels and on the identification of posts suitable for civilianisation — for that releases policemen and women from desk jobs and puts them back on the beat , which is what the right hon. and learned Member for Warley , West wants .
25 Although economics is perhaps the most developed of the social sciences , there remains much disagreement amongst economists about many key economic concepts and about the predictive power of economics .
26 But over a much wider range than we usually recognize , the signal works without question , because it is a conventional way of answering what would otherwise be ( and may still really be ) difficult or impossibly difficult questions , about the nature of the work and about the appropriate kind of response .
27 The imposition of councillor Jeff Sainsbury says much about the right hon. Gentleman and about the unrepresentative character of the development corporation .
28 With permission , Mr. Speaker , I should like to make a statement about President Yeltsin 's visit to London on 30 January and about the special meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on 31 January .
29 With quite minor additions and subtractions the actual wood substance has in all cases about the same chemical constitution and about the same density of ninety pounds per cubic foot ( that is , much the same as sugar — say 1.5 ) .
30 A well-made pension plan inspired in him the same emotions as an estate-bottled single-vineyard wine of a good year , and about the same amount of waffle .
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