Example sentences of "and [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Because it 's , it 's completely wrong and misleading , and let's instead talk about the ultimate bottom line in evolution which is reproductive success .
2 And let's not shrink from the truth about Big Birthday blues : we have genuine cause to feel depressed because the calendar chronicles what , most of the time , we prefer to forget — that life is finite .
3 Many sandstones with overgrowth cements exhibit little solution compaction at grain-to-grain contacts ( Fig. 5.26c , d ) ; the source of silica in such sediments can only partially be derived from the solution compaction and may largely result from the dissolution of opaline silica .
4 These involve the stationing of combat troop units on a large scale and may well infringe upon the sovereignty of the host country .
5 The lessons learnt will be disseminated through the county training programme and may well result in the establishment of provision in other parts of the area .
6 There are items that augment opportunities — and may well come under the Haig-Simons rubric — but are intrinsically unobservable because they do not correspond to market transactions .
7 This is traditionally a standard feature of story-telling , and may well derive from the oral tradition where the story-teller would switch from a narrative role to a dramatic one .
8 This is noticeable when short term goals can be identified and seen to be worth reaching and may well account for the very impressive efforts by schools in agricultural , sports and music competitions .
9 Classification by audience age has proved an acceptable limitation to impose on a cinema audience , and may also warn of the type of experience on offer .
10 A similar location appears at Catterick and Great Casterton , and may also account for the courtyard structure parallel to Ermine Street at Water Newton .
11 It gives off paired nerves supplying their respective appendages and may also connect with the corpora allata and contribute to the labral nerves ( Willey , 2962 ) .
12 Reactive oxygen species have a role in ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the intestine , and may also participate in the pathogenesis of several kinds of gastric lesions .
13 Numbers of two North American species of eider duck , the spectacled and Steller 's , have declined sharply in the past decade and may soon disappear from the continent as breeding birds , according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service ( F&WS ) .
14 For this reason , their rules , while instruments of public law and recognised by the FSA , may not be " statutory " rules with statutory force and may thus differ from the SIB 's rules .
15 Furthermore , most 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin dose schedules have a high incidence of severe gastrointestinal side effects and may thus interfere with the patients ' quality of life , one of the most important aspects to be considered in palliative treatment .
16 Moustaches shall not extend below the vermilion border of the upper lip or the corners of the mouth and may not extend to the side more than one-quarter inch beyond the corners of the mouth …
17 Some companies advertise kit , knowing that stocks are low and may not last for the full life of the ad .
18 Some companies advertise kit , knowing full well that stocks are low and may not last for the full life of the ad .
19 All other peers may now take a seat in the House of Lords and may not participate in the election of Members of the House of Commons .
20 Yet human parents generally stay together until their offspring are fully grown — and may even cohabit until the end of their lives despite the fact that they bear no more offspring together .
21 Yet it seems that only children are not disadvantaged by this lack and may even profit from the attention lavished on them .
22 Sometimes in fractured ribs with marked worse ( < ) movement , must keep absolutely still and may even lie on the affected side in order to keep it from moving .
23 Unaware of how common this outburst of activity really is among housebound cats , they interpret it as some sort of abnormality and may even call in the vet to examine the animal .
24 Liverpool chairman Peter Robinson , who voted against the package , believes fans will miss out and may even turn against the game as a result .
25 Over evolutionary time it will cease to be a parasite , will cooperate with the host , and may eventually merge into the host 's tissues and become unrecognizable as a parasite at all .
26 This may give rise to a civil claim for breach of contract on the part of the guest who is double-booked , and may possibly lead to the prosecution of the hoteliers for an offence under section 14 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 .
27 The desired ratio of reserves : deposits may be a matter of commercial prudence and may therefore vary in the light of circumstances ( as in the UK ) or it could be ‘ mandatory ’ , imposed as a matter of regulation by the monetary authorities .
28 He has been off sick for the last six weeks and may never return to the job .
29 It is like a large hemming stitch and must not show on the right side ( fig. 17 ) .
30 They would assume , as I had until this last holiday , that Margaret was a widow from lack of opportunity , not choice , and must surely jump at the prospect of Red as a husband .
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