Example sentences of "and [be] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A renowned ( albeit not a very successful ) crusader who had been on three expeditions , he had met and been entertained by the ablest monarchs in Europe .
2 This is exacerbated by the fact that capitalism has developed and been maintained throughout the twentieth century and is a very different system from that when Marx and Engels were writing .
3 The decision has caused considerable controversy and been criticized as an excessive response to the problem , but Mayor Jean Baylaucq justified it on the grounds that the bears constituted a threat to animals and humans .
4 I have observed that this species can breed at sizes of little more than 1″ , but I have only seen this happen where a larger adult in my colony has died and been replaced by a young fish .
5 - You notice that the section of your local supermarket which has stocked picnic and barbecue material since the birth of time has suddenly disappeared and been replaced by a new section stocking wrapping paper , crackers and tinsel decorations .
6 Now , however , it has suffered a fate common to most of Darlington 's fountains , and been relegated to a forgotten corner .
7 the structural reform will create 3,650,000 losers ( i.e. their income will be lower than it would have been if the old system had continued and been up-rated in the normal way , and there had been no transitional protection ) compared with 3,190,000 gainers ( the Government claims that 5,000,070 gained ) while 1,680,000 people remain unaffected .
8 Brightman , 13 years younger , had previously been a dancer in the group Hot Gossip , and been squired by a flashy pop-music composer named Mike Moran .
9 Someone had undoubtedly been listening , and been caught by the abrupt ending to the conversation .
10 But something had gone wrong , he had been betrayed , lost a battle with the forces of chaos and been ejected from the real battleground to languish here , in this cesspit they called " life " .
11 In the short time she had been in the City , she had been propositioned by a well-dressed lush , witnessed a gangland execution and been pursued through a deserted subway station by a bulky killer .
12 She wondered what had been the outcome of Araminta 's promised confrontation with her mother , whether this Saul Quatt had answered the summons and been drawn into the inevitable altercation .
13 Nuadu Airgetlam , Nuadu of the Silver Arm , who had lost his left arm in a battle and been driven from the Bright Palace by the fearsome Gruagach .
14 If Emerson had had the finance to develop a team properly , if his brother had been a better manager and if Emerson himself had not become frustrated as a driver by his car 's constant failures and retirements , if , in short , he had got his act together , he would quite possibly have made a first-class constructor and been hailed as a Brazilian Ferrari or Chapman .
15 Once she 'd seen Claudia watching her and been encouraged by a broad smile .
16 He said Thompson had been involved in a traffic accident in which he had suffered a head injury and been concussed for a short time .
17 Allitt had worked regularly at an old people 's home and been spotted by an auxiliary nurse one night giving an injection to a 73-year-old diabetic , Dorothy Lowe .
18 Radiation readings are taken every hour at each station and are transmitted to a central computer which analyses the data .
19 The playing fields are close to the Residences and are serviced by a spacious pavilion .
20 Details of our reductions for children are given in the price panels , and are applied to the basic holiday price shown , before adding any room , meal or flight supplements .
21 Nature and God are identified , and are conceived as an infinite reality which exists both as an all comprehensive mind and as an infinitely extended physical system , and in other ways unknown to us , all these being different aspects of one and the same single reality .
22 They are widely dispersed and are engaged in a wide variety of activities .
23 The offer price of units ( the price at which they are sold to investors ) and the bid price ( the price at which they are bought by investors ) are worked out day-to-day , and are determined by the daily market value of the net assets of the trust .
24 Accommodation is in comfortably furnished thatched chalets , all facing the sea and beach , and are joined to the central restaurant and bar by a covered walkway .
25 The benefits of HDTV are lost unless screens measure at least 36in across the diagonal , and are viewed in a darkened room .
26 Hybridisation of SstI digested DNA with the 450bp SstI-XhoI probe C ( figure 1 , right ) further resolved the strongest hypersensitive site ( HS5 ) into two subsites , HS5A and HS5B , which are 100bp apart and are situated in the first intron around position +3600bp ( relative to the cap site ) .
27 Most of these studios have beautiful sea views , and are situated in the main part of the Manor house .
28 If in our plans we hope for the best and are prepared for the worst then we should be ready for anything in between .
29 These surveys became a major symbolic ceremonial , and are recalled in the colourful annual Common Ridings of Jedburgh , Langholm , Hawick and other towns .
30 The following are the main areas the vendor will be asked to warrant and are covered in the main sale agreement ( see Appendix III ) though not in the same order as they appear below .
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