Example sentences of "and [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1972 he had suggested independence as Ulster 's best course and been severely criticized by Paisley and others .
2 This period is divided into three distinct phases , phase I total quiescence ( 30–80% of cycle ) , phase II intermittent contractions ( 0–75% of cycle ) , and phase III , a short period ( 4–10 minutes ) of intense contractions at the maximum contractile rate , determined by slow wave frequency ( 11–12 cycles per minute in the duodenum in man ) and followed by a new phase I. These patterns of contractile activity occur in all healthy subjects and are normally recorded with tube mounted pressure sensors .
3 All three vehicles have been the subjects of intensive restoration work over many years and are normally seen on display in the Centre 's Matthew Kirtley Museum .
4 They mature in the clamp , and are normally fed from February to June .
5 Issues are managed by domestic security dealers or by merchant banks and are largely sold to investors resident in the UK .
6 Many sounds produced by living creatures , however , lie in frequencies outside our human threshold of hearing and are thus designated as ultrasound ( higher frequencies ) or infrasound ( lower frequencies ) .
7 Most mushroom anemones imported into this country are species of Actinodoscus , Rhodactis , and Discosoma , all of which hail from the Pacific and are thus included in shipments from the Philippines , where most marine aquarium inhabitants originate these days .
8 Voluntary organisations have a key role in the total range of provision for adults and are strongly supported in Croydon .
9 Such decisions often involve complexity and criticality , cross system/trade boundaries and are frequently made under pressure .
10 They form the basis of most modern detergents and are frequently mixed with non-ionics usually in the ratio two parts anionic to one part non-ionic .
11 Individuals ( who know where their own best interests lie ) participate in politics through groups and are effectively represented by groups .
12 On the other hand , the RNA polymerase molecules synthesized during the late phase are probably responsible of further transcription of late genes , and are finally incorporated into ASFV particles .
13 The restrictions generated by rational expectations models are very often non-linear and are also imposed across equations rather than in a single equation .
14 The prevailing rates are published daily in the Financial Times , and are also displayed on Prestel and in all our branches .
15 Kestrels are popular with audiences at lectures , because they 're elegant little birds and also because , of all the British birds of prey , they 're the ones people are most likely to spot in the wild : they hover over motorways and are even seen in towns these days .
16 All the rams on sale have recorded growth rates and are ultrasonically tested for muscle and fat depths .
17 The bones illustrated here are from a vole carcase and are extensively scored with tooth marks ( Fig. 1.3 A-C ) .
18 Although graphite and diamond both exist at ordinary temperatures and pressures , diamonds are actually unstable and are continuously reverting to graphite .
19 Eagle owls are n't native to Britain , and are generally kept as pets .
20 They are actions which appear irrelevant to the circumstances , and are generally performed at times of motivational conflict .
21 These heads are usually oval in shape and are mostly covered with scarifications , striations or incised lines ; the ears are almost always ignored , as they are in
22 ( The chords shown in Example 83 are limited only to those with the root on C , and are mostly given with notes in close formation .
23 They can be up to 200ft ( 60m ) in diameter and are mostly constructed of stones , with a rim , and spokes radiating out from a central cairn .
24 The 172s at the Queenstown club all have Air Wakitipu emblazoned on their flanks and are regularly used by CFI Carlton Campbell and his instructor team to take tourists flying over Lake Wakatipu , the Remarkables range and other mountains and glaciers in the neighbourhood .
25 Devonian plants , the earliest known terrestrial plants , are seen at Rhynie , and are regularly used by palaeobotanists to develop techniques and expertise .
26 Setae which are particularly stout and rigid are known as bristles and are well exhibited for example in the Tachinidae .
27 These rules are still of value and are widely followed throughout Europe and Asia .
28 They are also responsible for preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act , maintaining proper accounting records and having an effective system of internal financial control .
29 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of The Scottish Council ( Development and Industry ) Limited as at 30 September 1990 and of the Income and Expenditure and Source and Application of Funds for the year ended on that date and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
30 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of The Scottish Council ( Development and Industry ) Limited as at 30 September 1991 and of the Income and Expenditure and Source and Application of Funds for the year ended on that date and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
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