Example sentences of "and [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It must have pleased the powerful church of Canterbury , with which he seems to have wished to be on good terms , and been gratifyingly displeasing to that of London .
2 Joe had once taken Rose Macaulay to a Billy Graham revivalist , fundamentalist mass meeting and been utterly revolted by all the rabid emotionalism and the militant Christianity , and he reminded me what Graham had said about Kinsey : ‘ It is impossible to estimate the damage this book will do to the already deteriorating morals of America . ’
3 He said : ‘ I am very pleased that this operation , which has involved a whole range of bodies and been well co-ordinated by Scottish Natural Heritage , has been so successful . ’
4 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
5 ( Penley 1988 , p. 11 ) Teresa de Lauretis has described this shift towards a greater interest in reception as in part a delayed effect of feminism 's construction of a new social subject — women — who may be and are legitimately addressed in cinematic practices .
6 Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places , so booking in advance is essential .
7 Such items are often found on Roman sites and are normally classed as votive offerings .
8 Broad-spectrum insecticides used against bollworms have in turn decimated the natural enemies of whiteflies ( which live on the undersides of the leaves and are thus protected from aerial sprays ) .
9 It is established that the nerves mediating the rectoanal inhibitory reflex lie wholly in the wall of the gut and are thus known as enteric ( intrinsic ) inhibitory neurons .
10 These statistics go on and on — quite interesting if you can fight your way through the jin and mu to find out what is really happening — and are frequently laced with political remarks about following ‘ our great leader Chairman Mao 's revolutionary line ’ , and the ‘ wise leadership of Chairman Hua ’ , with the inevitable explanation of how the Gang of Four sabotaged agriculture , just as they sabotaged everything else .
11 Antiphons are still widely used and are frequently written by one or more members of the community , using modal formulae .
12 Bulk tank brushes : Designed for use in the dairy industry , for the application that their name implies , these brushes have the elongated profile of a hedgehog and are also fitted to 600–900 mm handles .
13 However , these subcrop units are not restricted to such areas and are also overlain by non-anomalous Bunter uplift zones .
14 The awards — which started in Malaysia 18 years ago and are also award in other countries where Guinness operates — recognises achievements in a variety of fields and are intended to foster a sense of pride and civic consciousness among Malaysians .
15 Faceted and polished pebbles are not all that common and are also found in periglacial conditions where wind action may have been important , e.g. the Breckland of East Anglia .
16 These codes will be used during the design process and are also used for some of the colour coded printout formats .
17 This is the work of an exceptional artist , but he is only carrying further than usual ideas that occupy all archaic East Greek sculptors and are soon transmitted to those of other areas .
18 Burmatex contract carpets and carpet tiles achieve the highest possible ratings in the BSI 4790 Flammability test for floorcoverings and are independently tested for anti-static , colour fastness , castor wheel resistance and durability .
19 If they are mentioned , it is because they have been recommended and are generally regarded as good courses .
20 These sediments were dolimitised during early diagenesis and are generally characterised by low porosity and permeability .
21 Nevertheless , almost all Americans understand each other , and are generally understood by non-American native English speakers .
22 The fact that they carry large stocks and are generally located in prestigious and expensive locations means that overheads are high and these must be passed on to the customer .
23 The well-known kier stains on cotton are coloured by dark humus particles or by iron and manganese hydroxides and are firmly bound by insoluble metal soaps , including those of iron , calcium , and magnesium .
24 These skills are not common and are mostly cultivated by middle-class residents who do not live in the areas most in need of a collective uplift .
25 There is one long pointed apical papilla flanked on either side by 3–4 similarly shaped apical papillae ; the papillae have a slightly rugose texture and are well separated from one another .
26 All rooms in the hotel have splendid views out to sea and are well furnished in traditional island style with louvre windows , stained wood floors and stone features .
27 Many of them are pioneers , characteristic of early successional sequences elsewhere , and are well adapted for long-distance dispersal , so that under isolated circumstances such pioneers can form ‘ mature ’ communities , even though the level of disturbance is low .
28 In general it would seem that keys a minor third apart have just the right degree of conflict , and are well suited to this technique .
29 The reasons for this are complex , and are partly related to modern scholarship and partly connected to an over-rationalistic view of redemption in both Catholic and Protestant denominations ( both of which I will elucidate towards the end of this chapter ) .
30 Of course , these pathological tendencies are still with us today and are widely recognized in individual mental illness ; but what is not generally appreciated is their extent in cultural forms , not all of which are limited to ancient societies .
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