Example sentences of "and [adv] from the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reading knob must be slid to and fro from the far ends of the slot .
2 It virtually excluded from the student 's experience ( and so from the likely experience of that student 's future pupils ) any serious engagement with the imaginative and creative uses of the mother tongue .
3 There are more ways to step up and down from the specially-made benches than you could possibly imagine , and , for the puny-armed , the well thought out choreography incorporates upper body work , too .
4 She must get him on to his feet and down from the high moor before the impending storm .
5 From all quarters , and especially from the white business community , the message is the same : only with social justice can the country 's economic potential be released .
6 During our debate on the Gracious Speech last Wednesday , we heard a different story from Opposition Members and especially from the hon. Member for Garscadden .
7 Anaerobic exercise on the other hand requires short sudden bursts of energy which are provided by fuel supplied from the muscles , and not from the increased oxygen supply provided by aerobic exercise .
8 the finance is to be repaid out of the specific asset it has financed and not from the general resources of the entity .
9 Indeed the only additional effect of a child being a ward of court stems from its status as such and not from the inherent jurisdiction , for example a ward of court can not marry or leave the jurisdiction without the consent of the court and no ‘ important ’ or ‘ major ’ step in a ward 's life can be taken without that consent .
10 It was nonetheless held by the majority of the House of Lords that the three year period ran from the date when the workman suffered the injury and not from the earlier date when the manufacturers manufactured the defective machine .
11 ‘ Perhaps they are learning a little more about airmanship or the way they should behave at 40,000ft and above from the medical point of view .
12 So , the result should move in the direction of an open information society and away from the oligarchic tendencies to be seen in much political party management of local discussion .
13 The room used for the interview should be quiet and away from the general office traffic and bustle .
14 Fran followed him slowly , keeping her eyes centred on the polished wooden treads and away from the muscled strength of his thighs .
15 This self-obsession , the looking inwards and away from the real world , represents a full circle turned in approximately twenty years , and this time it has official sanction and encouragement .
16 The Communist Party still had less than 6,000 members at the end of 1934 but the balance within the Left was beginning to move towards it and away from the disintegrating ILP .
17 Some pit villages were old agricultural communities which had been transformed by an influx of miners ; others , such as Denaby Main and Fitzwilliam , were new creations founded at the edge of parishes and away from the older settlements .
18 It is unfortunate that Frey gets caught up in talk of ‘ sensory data ’ for it tends to deflect attention towards the workings of ‘ inner ’ sense and away from the whole context of the appetitive or like behaviour of the animal or human being .
19 Visits to hotels or theatres , going on holiday or to restaurants are all difficult things to do on one 's own , and if they are undertaken , people may have to pay more or end up in a corner , marginalized and away from the main clientèle .
20 Such occupation is further characterized by the absence of any substantial developments beyond and away from the main frontages .
21 Spinoza harks back to ancient philosophy , and away from the Christian tradition , in seeing the virtues which ethics seeks to inculcate as essentially the qualities we require if we are to have personally fulfilled lives .
22 in education the introduction of the Local Management of Schools will pass many of the decisions affecting individual schools to the school itself and away from the local education authority ;
23 Within this number the balance is shifting towards those from the Indian subcontinent , the EEC and the rest of the world , and away from the Old Commonwealth ( Canada , Australia and New Zealand ) .
24 Their heads met regularly with the Director of Education and separately from the secondary-modern heads ; they also belonged to their own professional association .
25 Furthermore , there is little doubt that within the Hebrew scriptures , there are recorded some of the most valuable pieces of wisdom and rules for righteous living , as are to be found anywhere , and it is these particular tenets and doctrines , which need to be separated , completely and utterly from the dogmatic claims of ‘ god-given ’ rights and superiorities which have always been , and always will be , unacceptable to the rest of the human race .
26 But when the portents continued to gather that autumn , and ruling the kingdom grew further and further from the planned exercise it had been and more like taking a fleet out in freakish , untoward weather , there was a change in Thorfinn as well : the extra swiftness , the finer edge , the sharper zest created by danger .
27 The impetus came partly from a growing interest in Schopenhauer 's theory of music , and partly from an uncomfortable sense that his own artistic practice was diverging further and further from the theoretical postulates of which it was supposed to be the realization .
28 Gardner 's been out there for more than a decade , has been back and forth from the Qualifying School three times , has yet to win a tournament , and in a good year can make $150,000 .
29 Frank Dick is one of the most academically knowledgeable coaches in the world , and aside from the personal differences between us , I think he genuinely believed that I was more useful in one of the central legs of the race .
30 This stems partly from local resistance to change , and partly from the postwar approach to agricultural policy .
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