Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 The government view has been that the way towards prosperity is for the state to do less and so leave room for the private sector to expand .
2 Councillor Ronnie Round , chairman of economic development and planning said : ‘ We will be able to dispose of the land at the Lathom Wing and thus finance improvements for the school with no extra cost to the school or the council . ’
3 If these countries felt they were being exploited by having to run a surplus and thus provide finance for the US deficit , such behaviour would be quite incomprehensible .
4 And now we have CDs and all , you could squeeze in the St Matthew Passion and still have room for the rest .
5 We need to make a special effort to fundraise this year — so — Please publicise this with your class members and also request contributions for the stalls and contact holders as follows : —
6 Fortunately these approaches create difficulties for the faker and also leave clues for the scientific investigator .
7 Anglers ' World saw three members make the frame , C Jewitt 4.13.0 , T Harrison 3.6.0 and D Potter 3.5.0 ensuring victory on the day and now look certainties for the title .
8 This was quickly resolved by the two sets of genes agreeing to merge and run the cell jointly and then draw straws for the chance to enter each egg or sperm .
9 I must send a letter to her parents first thing tomorrow and then make arrangements for the funeral .
10 However , the approximate fields generated by conveniently chosen polarizations may be inserted in the classical extremum principles ( minimum potential energy and minimum complementary energy ) to bound the overall energy and consequently provide bounds for the overall moduli .
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