Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They left the marketplace for a maze of streets and eventually came to a large stone two-storeyed house with a timbered roof , its exquisite carved eaves jutting out over a small courtyard beneath .
2 We drove for miles through dense jungle and eventually came to a big pool which was maybe 150 metres square and 30 metres deep .
3 He followed the widest of the paths northwards and eventually came to a deserted airfield .
4 He zoomed to save height , heard the cackle of machine-guns , skidded round in a savage , 180-degree turn , and instinctively ducked as a bright blue Pflaz hurtled over his head .
5 I set her down on her usual perch and slowly walked in a straight line to the far perch , some ninety feet away .
6 King Henry himself , with the third army , struck due west from Shrewsbury for Welshpool , strongly garrisoned and lavishly provisioned as an advanced base .
7 [ 'Kinship defenders ' ] also feel that insufficient work is carried out by social workers on the rehabilitation of separated families , while at least some of the ‘ society-as-parent ’ school seem more aware of situations where rehabilitation is attempted inappropriately , and perhaps foisted on an unwilling parent , and feel that social workers should be discouraged from holding out unrealistic hopes of restoring the child .
8 Wavebreaker was registered in the Channel Islands , and thus sailed under a defaced British red ensign with the Bahamian flag flying as a courtesy ensign from the main spreaders , but I always greeted arriving charter guests with their own country 's flag — though such a gesture was considered bad flag etiquette by nautical purists , it was good for our final tip — and so Thessy now hoisted the Stars and Stripes to the mainmast 's spreaders and a smaller Stars and Bars just beneath .
9 labour appeared to have a separate existence from the life of the labourer and thus appeared as an alien object .
10 The Great Transcontinental Mystery Race Train began to slow down and soon came to a smooth stop .
11 It had taken Christina a long time to grow accustomed to the nocturnal sounds of the tropics , but she loved them now , and finally fell into a deep sleep , lulled by the incessant chirping of crickets , wind rustling the huge traveller 's palm outside the bedroom window , and the Caribbean sea breaking gently on the shore .
12 She dozed and woke , dozed and woke and finally fell into a light sleep , only stirring when she heard a voice addressing her from what seemed like a million miles away .
13 ET-1 is produced by transcription and translation as a 212-residue precursor ( prepro ) molecule , which is subsequently processed to ‘ big ET-1 ’ and finally cleaved by an endothelin-converting enzyme to ET-1 .
14 Patients developing such features ( n=6 ) were excluded from the study and gradually weaned onto a normal unrestricted diet .
15 Olsen has therefore concentrated on four periods when the paintings connect most directly with historic events : from 1797 to 1814 when Napoleon 's Empire imposed a kind of unity on the country ; from the restoration of the monarchy until mid century when historic Romanticism came into conflict with Realism and gradually waned as a moving force in Italian art ; the triumph of Realism in parallel with the rapid progress towards unification from 1849 to 1870 ; and the final period from 1870 until the end of the century when Realism evolved under wider European influences into Symbolism and Divisionism .
16 Breeze O'Brien , laden with parcels of all shapes and sizes , and further hampered by an enormous umbrella , came into violent collision , not once but many times , during her headlong dash up the hill .
17 I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age — but is it really worth taking the chance ?
18 The stranger let go and quickly thumbed through a small black book he had taken from his belt .
19 She left early for her morning swim at Buckingham Palace and later went on a 35-minute errand .
20 I do wonder if the King 's mad gallop through a storm-blown night finally unhinged his mind and so he caused the King 's death and later died of a broken heart ?
21 At this mine two years ago a man was buried and later died after a massive roof fall in an extended cut section .
22 , Robert ( c. 1591–1652 ) , naval officer , was born c .1591 in Landulph , Cornwall , and probably belonged to a junior seafaring branch of a landed family settled in Devon .
23 Eva did her best to " spark everybody up " and probably trod on a few more toes in the process .
24 We followed on to the patio and spontaneously broke into an impromptu dance in our bare feet on the cold concrete , much to the delight of the crowd ’ .
25 Monday dawned to a nameless figure answering questions for a non-department whose head had been defeated in the election and now reigned in a spiritual fashion from the Lords .
26 Next morning they attended the Requiem Mass for their dead colleague who had been dressed by the monks for burial and now lay in a new pine coffin in front of the sanctuary steps of the abbey church .
27 During his stay Modigliani strolled in the garden and often trudged up a winding road , overlooking the sea and shaded by palms and eucalyptus trees , to the village café bar for a drink .
28 Formed in ice-cut cirques or shallow , steep-sided valleys , the Signy Island lakes are moraine-dammed and often rimmed by a rubble-covered shelf about 1 m below the surface ; the shelves are swept clear of sediment by wind-induced turbulence , and fall away to a narrow , sediment-filled trough .
29 The new chairman upset visiting speakers by introducing them incorrectly ; he ‘ picked his nose and wore jumpers with holes and even wrote to a local newspaper saying that new members should be on s ; weeks probation , and if they missed a meeting they should be expelled ’ .
30 He was stocky , bald , and invariably gabbled in an incomprehensible West of Scotland accent .
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