Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Roughly speaking , the parts of England most affected by this type of planning form a great belt which sweeps round from Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast , down through the Midlands as far as the Dorset coast , and thence north-eastwards along the chalk uplands to the Norfolk coast .
2 Next , he took each hand in turn , and smeared the greasy oil between her fingers , and thence upwards to the slope of her shapely shoulders .
3 According to the Crown 's argument , this provision seems to be unnecessary and must have been included in the Act ( and presumably also in the draft Bill ) as a mere matter of convenience .
4 To be for a democratic united Europe means to be unambiguously against its current economic reality — and most immediately against the policies dictated by the ERM .
5 I really want to go out and kick some ass one last time for Jeffrey , for me , for us , and most importantly for the people who come to see us . ’
6 At the same time , one must remember that there were other aspects of the economy which were virtually unaffected by war ; one sees this in the growth of the mining interest in the North-east , and most conspicuously in the continuation of trading connections with areas even after the political ties which had created them had been broken .
7 There was an Irish League poster announcing a talk by Mr Richmond MP in Newry , illustrations of assassinations of crowned heads in what seemed every capital of Europe , and most unexpectedly on the mantel above the tiny coal fireplace , a framed photograph of Noreen .
8 In recent years , however , the impassioned and intelligent dinner conversations held over hearty cassoulets , with rapidly emptying bottles of Beauj' or Burgundy , have become the subject of satire ( primarily and most successfully by The Guardian 's cartoonist Posy Simmonds ) .
9 Set against these were what he took to be the essential strengths and cultural possibilities of the German spirit , which in recent generations — and most clearly in the age of Goethe — had been partially realized and whose full realization was an ever-present dream .
10 ‘ It involved important questions : about the very meaning of ordination , about the nature of the Eucharist and the unique role of the priest in that celebration , and most particularly about the authority vested in any individual Church to overturn unilaterally the unvarying practice throughout the centuries of the Catholic and apostolic Church .
11 Jerome Robbins has a knack of using occupational gesture in many of his works and most particularly in The Concert , where the well-observed behaviour of the many different concert-goers arouses much laughter .
12 With the assistance of Dr Viv Edwards ( University of Reading ) , Dr Troyna will be synthesising the main results of these projects and assessing their contribution to current thinking on how educational systems might respond positively and most effectively to the demands of democratic multicultural societies .
13 Likewise , increase on the family front is possible and most probably in the form of a marriage .
14 It became , then , a great liberator of feeling , but acknowledged the non-rational in the world of things and events , occasionally in the realm of the transcendental , ultimately , and most persistently in the depths of the human being .
15 The nail is hit fairly and most squarely on the head .
16 The toxins defend them against predators , and most interestingly against the effects of bacteria and fungi .
17 In the centre and north , and most especially in the north , the new rulers were communes of merchants , men with a vested interest in expanding the local economy , and more concerned with making money than making war .
18 Apparently never close to the Chinese ( he never learned the language and travelled with a large retinue of porters in some style ) , he wrote little about the people and rather drily on the landscape and plants .
19 This movement , as Rufus had no doubt intended , sent Mary toppling forward into Adam 's arms , her breasts lightly slapping into his chest in a way that would have been blissful if it had been allowed to continue but Mary , drunk as she was , had sprung aside , actually sprung to her feet , and rather late in the day hugged her arms across her chest .
20 That has something to do with the stress of constant innovation , and rather more with the fact that they and their work have been systematically devalued by a government determined to bring schools under political control .
21 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
22 Sure enough , it was just as the second , regurgitated blade appeared , dangling on a length of thread from Jim Rose 's mouth , that Richard had collided suddenly and rather violently with the floor of Strathclyde University Union 's level eight hall .
23 She had never imagined that a kiss could feel like this , that a man 's arms could enclose and shield her so thoroughly against any other awareness , that her body would respond so passionately and so completely from the roots of her hair to the backs of her knees .
24 In the years immediately following 1945 , however , foreign exchange markets were so disrupted and so strongly under the control of government that the post-war government could establish its own internal programme while relatively insulated from international financial forces .
25 He knew , as well , that Tree Spirits cling tenaciously to their homes until those homes become untenable because of the Tree dying and drying and he thought that Miach 's spell must have been stronger than any of them had thought for it to draw the Spirits so filly and so firmly into the open .
26 The guiding principle must be that the overall value or interest of the essay lies in how its combination of observation and argument leads towards more general statements , and so away from the particularity of autobiography and personal impression .
27 Little has changed so radically and so frequently in the United Kingdom constitution during the past two decades as the structure of local government .
28 But how did it happen that the Davy miner 's lamp worked out so well for the owners and so badly for the miners ?
29 At a later date , however , the fort was probably moved to lower ground and so closer to the site of the future town ; two pieces of cavalry equipment from the Bleachfield Road area plus a few Claudian coins and some slight remains of early timber-framed buildings , might be thought to support this view .
30 He 's not as All the programmes are changed this morning , the youngsters being off school and so instead of the news it 's all these youngster 's programmes .
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