Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The use of inappropriate forms of assessment to grade and rank-order pupils ' work for the purpose of making comparisons or to achieve so-called ‘ unified standards ’ is illustrated by the worst abuses of norm-referencing , which has been roundly and justifiably criticized by many writers , even in those areas of the curriculum where one might expect this system to be welcomed .
2 The realism of the old heads seems to me strictly in early classical taste , and the raising and overlapping exactly in the spirit of contemporary developments in wall-painting ; and there can be no doubt at all that the design of this gable is directly and powerfully influenced by those developments .
3 What we would be looking for from you is a talk of some 15–20 minutes duration outlining what can be done for public transport by traffic management techniques and perhaps illustrated by some Lothian examples , together with a willingness to answer any questions which may be put to you .
4 It was quite a gift , but he had no vanity ; they were short and suitable and much admired by some people .
5 Originating applications form a residual category , being the appropriate originating process for any proceedings authorised to be brought in a county court and not required by any Act or rule to be commenced otherwise .
6 For knitters who use their own personal blocks but would like more inspiration for patterns , CML 's artworks collections are fantastic value for page after page of chartered designs directly traceable to Brother electronic sheets and easily used by all knitters to give their work an individual look .
7 However , despite my indignation about the ignorant handling of the ceramics section , I came away excited and deeply impressed by this show which should not be missed by anyone interested in modern art .
8 International relations in Europe from the middle of the nineteenth century to the First World War were more and more influenced by several factors which , if not always new , were growing rapidly in importance .
9 Büdel distinguished three generations of geomorphology namely dynamic which concerns the study of particular processes ; climatic which considers the total complex of present processes in their climatic framework ; and climatogenetic geomorphology which involves the analysis of the entire relief including features adjusted to the contemporary climate and also produced by former climates .
10 I am surprised and slightly reassured by this thread of normality .
11 The Commons could not agree on a scheme and several were inserted in the Bill by a temporary majority of one day and then removed by another majority later .
12 of the shares [ of ] which are legally and beneficially owned by such persons and of which at least 75 per cent .
13 of the shares [ of ] which are legally and beneficially owned by such persons and of which at least 75 per cent .
14 My mother was surprised and undoubtedly gratified by this question .
15 A three-bedroom prototype was built in Colchester and officially opened by former Energy Secretary John Wakeham .
16 But unions were in fact composed of and certainly led by such men , though the bourgeois mythology saw them as mobs of the stupid and misled , instigated by agitators who could not otherwise have earned a comfortable living .
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