Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another trial carried out in New Zealand , and widely quoted in the medical literature , apparently failed to find any link between the mother 's diet and colic in breast-fed babies .
2 Yet paradoxically Makarenko 's educational theories were to be taken up , approved , and widely publicized in the Stalinist period .
3 In such an archetypal world , where ‘ good ’ is constantly and insecurely balanced in an eternal struggle against ‘ evil ’ , the objective explication of the rituals and symbols which surround and mystify police work can seem tantamount to a treasonable act .
4 In everyday life there are countless occasions on which people are confronted with the need to make a decision which , in its resolution , should be motivated by a healthy conscience and thereby result in a kindly , productive or generous act .
5 It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North .
6 Their performance of Mozart 's Concerto in E flat for two pianos was beautifully judged and finely controlled , fiery and dramatic in the virtuoso display sections of the opening Allegro , delicate and ornate in the slow movement , and thrillingly accomplished in the brilliant Rondo .
7 They obtained permission from the NZRFU for most of them to drift away from Twickenham and eventually to arrive in the northern Italian town of Treviso .
8 Departments ' spending plans , which were bargained over and eventually published in the annual public expenditure White Papers , were expressed in constant prices or ‘ volume terms ’ .
9 Prudent and orderly , uncompromising in his views on life and art , and instinctively reserved in a postwar world which contradicted them extensively , Frampton was a man of humour , courtesy , and charm , who unbent when he sensed that his deep feeling for beauty , order , and sound technique was shared .
10 Indeed , when he left , the students presented Mayhew with a microscope so that he could carry on ‘ with his investigations of structures , a subject of vast importance , but hitherto untaught and little known in the Veterinary College ’ .
11 I set her down on her usual perch and slowly walked in a straight line to the far perch , some ninety feet away .
12 Turn the machine back on and slowly pour in the hot liquid .
13 It is this sharp awareness of an inner process which will release men from the constraints of time , that makes those who make enormous emotional investment in material enterprises look incredibly foolish : Heaven is the only true object of human desire and it must be particularly and discreetly nourished in a continual process of growth .
14 Talbot looked at Dr Wickram who , in startling contrast to Benson , was thin , dark and immaculately dressed in a blue suit , white button-down collar and a black tie , the funereal hue of which went rather well with the habitual severity of his expression , and said : ‘ Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry , Dr Wickram ? ’
15 The strong sense of community between living and dead expressed in the frequent injunction in wills to pray for the soul of the deceased and to endow a priest for this specific purpose witnesses to a feeling for a purpose in existence beyond that of material well-being .
16 Evaluation and change are logically and methodologically linked in a fundamental way .
17 In the same period , kin links were an important mechanism for recruiting labour , and so living in the parental household would have given young people increased chances of finding work , as well as providing them with accommodation which they might not have been able to afford on their own .
18 It is also that , even were it not , the reliance on competition between economic units inevitably generates individual/sectional self-interest , and so reproduces in a socialist economy the individualist attitudes and self-seeking practices characteristic of capitalism .
19 The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest .
20 But samples of the new species discovered in colonized territories were routinely brought back to be described , classified and perhaps displayed in the great European museums and zoological gardens .
21 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
22 The Queen disliked the service , which was hidden away and only re-emerged in the early 1980s when included in a Dutch television programme on royal gifts .
23 The third response is more enlightened and less grounded in the liberal fixation with genetic and pathological explanations of deficiency when it comes to deprivation .
24 Thus conservatives , supported by a violent press , and better represented in the Ordinary Cortes , felt able to challenge ‘ Jacobinism ’ .
25 It 's right back to the Stamp Acts which were so bitterly and rightly resisted in the early part of the 19th century . ’
26 Built in the hybrid style which has been dubbed ‘ artisan mannerism ’ , the house is exuberantly detailed and entirely lacking in the Italianate sophistication of the court style of Inigo Jones [ q.v . ] .
27 What is common to all , however , is that an emphasis is placed on peaceful interaction among the members of the society , and this emphasis is cosmologically constructed and morally embedded in a cosmological universe of meaning .
28 They stood on the porch steps and eagerly drank in the invigorating cold air .
29 The local labour movement was split between those who wanted to intervene politically to support members of the skilled manual working class and those who wanted to act on financial grounds and not intervene in a declining enterprise .
30 But I was through and not stuck in the dreadful clutch of metal links , not grasped by debris , not drowning without any chance of rescue .
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