Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In such an archetypal world , where ‘ good ’ is constantly and insecurely balanced in an eternal struggle against ‘ evil ’ , the objective explication of the rituals and symbols which surround and mystify police work can seem tantamount to a treasonable act .
2 In this way the Church , as in many other parts of the western empire , would have formed the bridge by which a moderately civilized Romano-British community was maintained and eventually transformed into an English one .
3 King Henry himself , with the third army , struck due west from Shrewsbury for Welshpool , strongly garrisoned and lavishly provisioned as an advanced base .
4 It is perhaps more exciting , however , to leave one 's discoveries to chance ; thee can be great satisfaction in wandering round an old country church and suddenly stumbling across an 18th or 19th-century Persian rug that no one has recognized before .
5 I put another case in front of it , an empty one , and suddenly thought of an old story in a childhood book .
6 The difference between materialist , scientific thought and idealist , ideological thought is that the former recognizes the determination of consciousness and so returns to an empirical or ‘ real ’ world of practical activity to generate abstractions .
7 By bringing up a puppy in the context of a set routine , the anxiety factor present in dogs ( and humans alike ) will not be brought into play and so lead to an aggressive outburst .
8 [ 'Kinship defenders ' ] also feel that insufficient work is carried out by social workers on the rehabilitation of separated families , while at least some of the ‘ society-as-parent ’ school seem more aware of situations where rehabilitation is attempted inappropriately , and perhaps foisted on an unwilling parent , and feel that social workers should be discouraged from holding out unrealistic hopes of restoring the child .
9 That is why , when we are about to take a free kick , Phil Meek will pull his bottom lip up over his nose and Micky Deere will leap up and down pointing to an imaginary burning Zeppelin .
10 The receiver is basically foolproof and generally consists of an external power supply , output jack , level control and RF damping .
11 Clearly , this policing role , giving legal form to religious doctrine , and generally making for an ordered and ‘ tidy ’ society , was never successfully performed .
12 Thus , the increased incidence of pancreatitis discharges may be a result of an increased number of recurrent episodes of pancreatitis , and not caused by an increased number of individual patients .
13 As it was American atomic attitudes in this period hardened British resolution not to be bullied out of the business and not to acquiesce in an American monopoly ; it encouraged her determination to be a nuclear power for the sake of the influence this was expected to give her in Washington !
14 Fresh , spontaneous , natural and not sung in an American accent , it is a proposition implicit in Real Sounds of Africa 's very name .
15 It may be significant , however , that Mr Allworthy 's house is Gothic , and thus belongs to an older pattern of society and architecture with a rather different idea of human community .
16 labour appeared to have a separate existence from the life of the labourer and thus appeared as an alien object .
17 The paintwork , a dark brown , was peeling and the walls , unusually , had been hurriedly and superficially covered with an ugly beige paper which did not cling properly to the plaster .
18 ET-1 is produced by transcription and translation as a 212-residue precursor ( prepro ) molecule , which is subsequently processed to ‘ big ET-1 ’ and finally cleaved by an endothelin-converting enzyme to ET-1 .
19 ‘ They were very relaxed about it , even preparing a meal for themselves and the dog and calmly leaving after an overnight stay .
20 Because import duty ( 35 per cent on ornamented goods ) and freight charges , had from the start pushed prices up in the US , Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag .
21 This agenda-setting thesis is very plausible and usually treated as an established law of social science in introductory textbooks , though much more sceptically in research reports .
22 As these sales have evolved from the original trading of bric-a-brac and home produce to an open market for all goods , this has proved a lucrative market place for groups trading in illegal software .
23 ‘ As these sales have evolved form the original trading of bric-a-brac and home produce to an open market for all goods , this has proved a lucrative marketplace for groups trading in illegal software . ’
24 But many young people leave home to work , and live , in another town or even country , far away from their schoolday friends and possibly living in an isolated situation .
25 Whilst he was chasing girls ( or were the girls chasing him ? ) and always looking for an easy pound or two , I was deeply concerned by the deteriorating political situation .
26 The kitchen , the second time round , was a different proposition , however ; it was too small , and further cramped by an intruding chimneybreast .
27 Breeze O'Brien , laden with parcels of all shapes and sizes , and further hampered by an enormous umbrella , came into violent collision , not once but many times , during her headlong dash up the hill .
28 Even so , PT Timah took many years to develop its own technical expertise and still depends to an important degree on technical assistance from multinationals , including Billiton .
29 Debate as to the relative merits of foot and horse continued for many centuries , and still exists in an attenuated form in the modern technological army .
30 It seems to me , from a number of recent papers ( and from common sense ) that the rare event is becoming more and more recognised as an important agent of recent sedimentation .
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