Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This opened the issue of how nerve cells might communicate with each other and eventually led to our now-sophisticated understanding of neurotransmitters .
2 In his absence , Bel Macrae was befriended by the McGuires and eventually taken into their humble home to live as one of the family .
3 Quickly , my aunt searched for , and eventually removed from her black suitcase a small , green metal tin , labelled ‘ Dangerous Drugs Box ’ .
4 And now the Enstrom was rattling above the towers and spires of Cambridge , and they could see the shining curve of the river , the bright autumnal avenues leading down through green lawns to miniature hump-backed bridges , King 's College Chapel upturned and slowly rotating beside its great striped square of green .
5 Nurse del Puablo is widely and justly celebrated for her skilled hands , hot thighs and soft lips , her pretty belly , bad ass and good tits .
6 This move had three objects : to complete the education of our two younger children , Fiona at Fettes ( where my old Highfield playmate Inky Chenevix-Trench was now headmaster ) and Alastair at the Edinburgh Academy ; to have Moira 's mother who was living alone in an Edinburgh flat and becoming increasingly tottery to live with us ; and to own property once again and so benefit from its ever-increasing rise in value .
7 In contrast to make , which focusses essentially on the notion of producing an effect , force explicitly evokes the means used to bring about the realization of this effect , namely force , and so refers to something prior to the effect 's coming into being .
8 This division of the sky was eventually carried over to the division of the circle and so led to our present habit of dividing the complete ( two-dimensional ) angle around a point into 360 degrees .
9 He also devoted a good deal of his investigations to the extraordinary satin bower-bird , a native of the area and so called for its remarkable habit of building and decorating a sort of stage-set , in which it would perform ritual mating dances .
10 At the end of treatment the therapist thought that Liz would probably experience further problems in the future and so discussed with her possible ways of dealing with new difficulties .
11 With Victor 's assistance , it might be possible to retrieve my car ; I thought also that I could sell him scientific information , and so escape from my destitute condition .
12 The Praemium Imperiale , one of the largest awards to artists and boastfully described by its Japanese initiators as ‘ the Nobel Prize of the arts ’ , is very much a cynic 's hoot .
13 Secure in his job , with a growing international reputation , and uxoriously contented with his comely Sophie , lie knew himself to be successful and suspected himself to be happy .
14 No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance .
15 He was handsome and dignified , and especially distinguished by his meticulous dress .
16 Lord , your will is that the world 's resources should be shared by all men ; we pray against greed and selfishness in the use of resources , and especially pray for your guiding hand on relief efforts along the Iraqi-Jordanian border .
17 Lord , your will is that the world 's resources should be shared by all men ; we pray against greed and selfishness in the use of resources , and especially pray for your guiding hand on relief efforts in the famine areas of Africa .
18 Old Dundalk is the class horse in the race and was very impressive in victory at Marks Tey , but he has a mind of his own when it comes to racing and much depends on his current mood !
19 Eliot was " tall , gaunt , of pallid hue and tensely withdrawn from anything reminiscent of the flesh " .
20 Bede not only compiled a detailed account of this important Synod but in another of his treatises , De temporum ratione ( ‘ On the Reckoning of Time ’ ) , written in 725 and generally regarded as his scientific masterpiece , he computed Easter tables for the period 532 to 1063 and also made a first attempt at a general chronology of the world down to the reign of the contemporary Byzantine emperor , Leo the Isaurian .
21 During this spare time you can catch up on lost sleep ( as long as your naps do not prevent a full night 's sleep ) , relax after the stresses of the journey , adjust drinking and eating habits , and generally adapt to your new surroundings .
22 But I was advised to imagine I was telling it to a good friend and not worry about what other people might think .
23 In the meantime , the Board is looking for ways to fund the deficit should it continue , but has decided not to charge the deficit as an additional burden upon those residents who are able to pay their own way from their own resources , and not to move from its established principle of offering care to those most in need towards a degenerate policy of offering care only to those who are most able to pay .
24 The fact that she was doing this and not looking at her old friend made her doubts about this statement less evident , but all the same my mother protested .
25 The algorithm originally adopted was that a pixel was to be ON if more than five of the surrounding eight pixels were ON , OFF if fewer than three were ON , and not changed from its existing value if from three to five were ON .
26 — not to use force or threaten the use of force against the Persian Gulf countries , and not to interfere in their internal affairs ;
27 It is an offence for a shopkeeper to sell solvent based products to anyone under the age of 18 , if they know , or have reasonable cause to believe , that the products are to be abused , and not used for their normal purpose .
28 He would stand and just look at his trusted trainer , not moving off as directed .
29 My father , Yin Tsu , sends his deep regards and best wishes on your forthcoming birthday .
30 He received the homage of the members of his household before going to pray at the oratory of St Laurence , which was filled with relics of the saints , and finally retiring to his private apartments .
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