Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
2 Insisting that religious faith must be absolutely certain and secure , it decides that history can never provide such security and thereby loses interest in history altogether .
3 The Danish government successfully sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in bear gall bladders ( which , like rhino horn and other exotic products , were used in oriental traditional medicine ) .
4 ‘ It has been the largest and longest sustained fall in unemployment in the history of this country . ’
5 The food was unspeakable , most children wore threadbare clothes and badly worn shoes in need of repair .
6 What is striking about all these cases quoted is that , in every one , the eventual victim had already pursued his or her complaint exhaustively behind the scenes with the employer and only went public in desperation when the outrage was intense and no other recourse seemed available .
7 He has created regional delegations , encouraged bodies that finance innovation , such as ANVAR , to move away from the capital , and generally supported initiatives in research at regional level .
8 The raid on Gay 's The Word bookshop in 1984 was merely the largest and best publicised exercise in State censorship this decade .
9 The superstars who race fearsome 175bhp four cylinder twostrokes in the 15 GP 's , stretching from Japan , Australia and America through Europe to Brazil and Malaysia , are the most famous and best paid performers in bikesport .
10 Filtration should be good , but with minimal water surface movement , as Arowanas live in still and slow moving waters in South America .
11 Elsewhere socialist parties have had to compete in multiparty and proportional electoral systems and usually share power in government .
12 This creates opportunities for accountants to act as experts , preparing a report on the subject of the suit or prosecution and possibly giving evidence in court as an expert witness .
13 Always study the instructions supplied , try out your stove before setting out , and always keep safety in mind .
14 He tried to devise new and better ways of operating the machines in the bottle works where he was employed and , realizing that he needed to increase his knowledge of science and mathematics if he was to exploit his ideas , he went in the evenings to the nearby Mechanics ' Institute and also took lessons in trigonometry from a local clergyman .
15 The teacher must also be completely familiar with the game being played and also show fairness in scoring .
16 This amounts to a view of the person which ignores basic needs such as food , housing , security and work , and also suppresses differences in knowledge , skill and wealth .
17 The owner who worked full time in the business paid himself a salary of £9,000 and also withdrew £1,000 in cash from the business to pay a pressing personal debt .
18 Fortunately some soldiers felt real responsibility for their officers and often gave gifts in kind if they did n't have any spare cash .
19 The focus is placed on the user 's information needs and overall searching behaviour in order to build a conceptual framework for qualitative research on the use and evaluation of online catalogues .
20 That there is such a huge volume of uncopyrighted audio and particularly video material in circulation has been a point of issue for the US administration in their summits with the Kremlin government and resulted in a boycott by the US film companies of the recent Moscow Film Festival .
21 She is also good at practical things and regularly comes top in Craft Design and Technology .
22 Had they conceded the truth of Mrs. Morgan 's amply corroborated testimony instead of challenging it and simply argued belief in consent on the basis of her husband 's assertions as to her sexual proclivities , they might have been believed .
23 + In January 1958 , Dulles talked with him again , in Teheran , and immediately cabled Eisenhower in exasperation , saying that the Shah " considers himself a military genius " , and his ministers were unable to cope with Iran 's pressing economic problems " in the face of the Shah military obsessions " .
24 After that he learned first to carry with him everywhere his own survival kit of razor , toothpaste and cigarettes against the likelihood of arrest , and then to survive years in prison surrounded by gaolers like characters out of his own plays , who lived by the laws of the regime 's own absurdist , reality-denying logic .
25 Behind her in the procession to the dining-room was Grace Langley on the arm of a languid young man with a monocle , several couples of strangers , and then Rose Langley in pink , giggling , and a young man like a ferret .
26 However this radicalization in land policy had allowed them to defeat the K M T and essentially led them to get into power so one has elements of pragmatism in their ideology and that how that you 've got to realize that the Communist Party was in a very precarious situation throughout these years , that how that although they did have a kind of er policy in th there ultimate aim of socialism , and although it seare appeared s quite strange that they were almost promoting capitalism , that how that their aim during this period was to eliminate feudalism which was the s and then to establish capitalism in order that socialism could take place .
27 Experiment of speaking name aloud into machine and then finding face in image made by sound-waves .
28 A hopeful and insufficiently applauded shift in emphasis was signalled in 1986 by the Report of the Attorney General 's Commission on Pornography , which sought to identify the relative harms caused by various forms of pornography , thus making it possible to draw up a list of priorities .
29 THANKS to the efforts of thousands of persistent and courageous newsmen from all over the world , the war in ex-Yugoslavia that started in June 1991 may already be the most closely reported and copiously documented conflict in history .
30 From M T Woodcraft , a full-sized and fully working barrow in iroko costs £134 .
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