Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [noun] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world .
2 Brazauskas was elected president of the Seimas and thereby acting state President on Nov. 25 .
3 Wright , Swinfen Eady J held that directors owed their fiduciary duties to the company and not to the company 's shareholders and thereby denied shareholders recourse to a direct action against directors who had used inside information at their ( the shareholders ' ) expense .
4 By imposing a very high cost of borrowing , the Chancellor hopes to reduce our willingness to accept any more bank credit and thereby limit credit creation by the banks .
5 Babies born preterm are likely to lack surfactant — a material that covers the surface of the lung , lowering surface tension in the alveolus and thereby preventing lung collapse on breathing out .
6 Sanders had been a Whip and a specialist in franchise matters before the war , so his return to Westminster gave an added impetus to the party campaign against the Bill ; he became a sort of unofficial party Whip against a government that the party supported , cooperated closely with George Younger , by this time Party Chairman , and eventually became deputy chairman of the party himself in 1918 .
7 In the event , Mountbatten remained as Governor-General of India , in which capacity , at the invitation of the Congress leaders , he was briefly and secretly to resume executive power in 1947 to deal with the communal violence which threatened to destroy the infant state .
8 Instead , stretch , curl up and slowly reach sitting position by pressing the palm of your hands on the floor , keeping your chin down , touching your throat .
9 Quietly sipping champagne in a corner of the large marquee , Laura was just chiding herself for having over-reacted in such a feeble , juvenile way towards a man who could n't possibly be interested in her , when she looked up — and suddenly found Ross standing in front of her !
10 Writing this whilst hopping up and down to stir lemon marmalade on the stove ( and it seems reluctant to ‘ gel ’ ! ) and to the accompaniment of wonderful J S BACH fugue and prelude and tape .
11 The late and much missed Fred Rival By the way I saw Mercy at the horse of the year show a few weeks ago .
12 A bill comes in and along comes sugar daddy with a loan , you can t resist it .
13 SAE ratings are quoted in imperial hp or kW , and generally give peak power for a bare engine .
14 Thereafter all rectal excisions have included the mesorectum , care being taken at the pelvic brim to identify and preserve the pelvic nerves and not to enter Dennonvilliers fascia during the anterior rectal dissection .
15 Per capita GDP fell , on average , 3.8 per cent annually from 1981 to 1984 and scarcely reached zero growth in the latter part of the 1980s .
16 It was expected that an economic upturn would lead to attempts to repay foreign debts and thus gain Libya access to fresh lines of international credit .
17 To ju and just take taxation bit of it .
18 The Japanese introduced them anyway and thereupon gained market dominance through the much higher quality achieved .
19 Thus , it has now become necessary to justify and possibly improve arts education by showing how it may increase awareness of " man " and " the world " .
20 Xerox Corp chairman Paul Allaire said yesterday that profit in the second quarter from its document processing business ‘ could be somewhat below ’ the $1.12 per share the unit earned in the year-ago period : Xerox said nine-tenths of its total business is in document processing , and the remainder is in insurance and financial services , and that it is in the midst of realigning its US sales force for document processing , which along with continued weak economic conditions , are affecting its results ; it expects sales momentum to increase as it realises benefits of the sales reorganisation and still expects profit growth in document processing .
21 After leaving Franklin 's School in Leicester in 1881 Gimson was articled to a local architect , Isaac Barradale , and also attended Leicester School of Art , where he won national medals for suburban housing and for furniture design .
22 This nationalisation was an attempt to achieve the socialist objective of common ownership of the means of production and also to facilitate government intervention in the running of the economy .
23 The Knin assembly continued to function and on Feb. 21 voted to dismiss Paspalj and the assembly 's two vice-presidents , and also to replace Milan Martic as the Krajina " Interior Minister " after he ordered local militias to be placed under the command of the Yugoslav National Army ( JNA ) in preparation for the arrival of the UN force .
24 Niacin aids blood circulation , which means that protein is carried to the muscles more efficiently , and also helps muscle recovery by carrying waste products away more quickly .
25 This has the double advantage of making available notes between the bottom note E in the seventh position of the B flat tenor trombone and the fundamental B flat and also providing shifts alternative to those found awkward among higher harmonics .
26 The constitution helps to shape politics and also regulates public access to , and the behaviour of , the various institutions of the state ( such as the Cabinet , the House of Commons , the civil service , the military , the judiciary , and the police ) that in their different ways have the right to exercise public power , if necessary through the use of physical force , within the United Kingdom .
27 The former included the North-West regional diploma in special needs , the first example of a course developed in total partnership between a university and a polytechnic which allowed students to take modules from either institution and also gave credit recognition to specific Open University and LEA courses .
28 If this were achieved , it would sever the Warsaw-Kiev railway and also give Austria command of the road to Brest-Litovsk , thus threatening all the Russian positions to the east of Warsaw .
29 Christ , I was about to do the Technicolor Yawn all over this girl 's jacket , through the tears and rusting her zips and filling her pockets , and probably send Jamie flying across the room into the beer-crates under the speaker stacks with the first awful heave , and here were these two trading absurd biker fantasies .
30 Impactive colour also radiates from the papier mache dishes by Sugs Shelton and similarly modelled pop sculpture of groups of ordinary domestic items by Jon Atkinson .
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