Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] have be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Over the past year she had had various painful illnesses and eventually it had been diagnosed as a recurrence of cancer .
2 Your son-in-law has been sleeping with this girl at work for the best part of 11 years and presumably he 's been having his conjugals in the matrimonial bed , too .
3 He had left the army as a major , but the clerks in the Horse Guards had determined that his majority was only brevet rank , not regimental , and so he had been forced to accept a lieutenant 's pension .
4 A Ewe owned by farmer John Davies has lost a lamb during birth and so he 's been put in touch with Mrs Hunter Blair by the farmers union .
5 I really do think that there is a degree of inconsistency in compelling a Gothic architect to erect a classical building — and so I have been thinking of appointing you a coadjutor , who would in fact make the design !
6 A slight chill the day after the sale had delayed her journey to London and so she had been forced to leave Summer Lodge with her few possessions in a bag and watch as the cab carried her from the large estate on the hill to the cramped rooms of the house in Chapel Street .
7 The house had become far too large and expensive to maintain for Aunt Lou and so it had been altered , the top half being made into a separate flat on the first floor and a studio apartment created in the former attics .
8 Digestion can therefore be expected to be greater in mammalian predators , and so it has been found here .
9 The constraint is satisfied implicitly , since x 1 + x 2 + x 3 > 0 for any feasible solution of P6 and so it has been dropped .
10 I mean when you 're on picket line it 's very depressing it 's very heart breaking unless you get some comedian or something you know it gets er y you do n't know what to do with yourself and perhaps they 'd been taking pots of this paint I 'm not saying .
11 I asked the dragon-lady if anyone had come in who was n't an owner or a groom , and she bridled like a thin turkey and told me that she had conscientiously checked every visitor against her list of bona fide owners , and only they had been admitted .
12 The race mauretanicus , on the other hand , may now be appearing less frequently , and only one has been recorded since 1971 .
13 and literally I 've been working
14 Bicker was there , looking as tired as if he and not they had been riding and fighting in the past three days .
15 For I am writing this on Saturday evening , and already I have been blooded .
16 Cowan , top scorer in his three seasons at Portadown , is out of contract in the summer — and already he has been linked with Linfield .
17 She 's only done half the course and already she has been picked out for this job .
18 Mr Fallon fired back : ‘ Education in this country is run by the councils and largely they have been running it very badly .
19 And just what had been paid for in this case ?
20 Q. I have two six-inch Temporales , which I bought as a pair when they were three inches long , and lately they have been showing signs of breeding , such as locking their jaws and tail slapping .
21 It has been a difficult day for the Queen and tonight she 's been snubbed following the decision by the municipality of Limassol not to present her with the keys to the town .
22 First , the pupils , teachers and practitioners of science are overwhelmingly male in terms of numbers ; second , school science is packaged and presented to appeal to boys , not girls ; third , classroom behaviours and interaction operate to reconstruct science as a male activity , and finally it has been suggested that ‘ scientific ’ thinking embodies an intrinsically masculine world view .
23 We have recent evidence that the Conservative Party at least is willing to forgive , and once it had been accepted there was no question of the betrayal of any secrets , it would have been a simple matter of marital infidelity .
24 And yesterday she had been proved right .
25 It is twenty-two years since I read that letter , first published in Warnie 's selection of his brother 's correspondence , and on and off I have been thinking it over .
26 Then me , yeah me and Zed were saying like because , and like we 'd been tripping the night before and everything
27 They may not be looking for treatment or rehabilitation but er what we can offer them is clean injecting equipment er free condoms , because H I V is transmitted sexually as well , probably more than , more often than in Oxfordshire , er and also we have been prescribing from an assessment clinic in the city centre .
28 And practically nothing has been done to establish effective machinery of joint conference between the representative organizations entitled to speak for industry as a whole .
29 Mr Bush , a former US diplomat in Beijing , has countered by hinting that when his traducers were fully acquainted with the facts , his actions would be justified — and typically he has been angered by the ‘ personal ’ nature of the criticism .
30 We both wanted to win , I said , and now we 've been saved from temptation .
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