Example sentences of "and [verb] into the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He sprinted along the bank and plunged into the freezing chest-deep water as the 15-month-old boy floated quickly away , face down .
2 He did not have time to check his mirrors for police cars as he passed All Hallows-on-the-Wall and plunged into the long straight canyon of London Wall .
3 Alone in her bedroom , she undressed and got into the big empty bed .
4 The third constraint is observed by controlling the design process at sub-assembly stage , echoing the relevant design data into component part technical sub-files and the geometric size and spacing into the relevant spatial files .
5 As they drove through rolling hills topped by Mohican clumps of trees and moved into the leafy green tunnels of Petersfield , his bride , who 'd been primed by Drew , put her hand on her husband 's cock and suggested that it would be more fun to stop and have their picnic in a field than join the crowds at Cowdray .
6 Forsaken , deserted , the hand came up to Pertwee 's brow and pushed into the greasy black waves .
7 Thwack — the ball soared into the air and dropped into the nearest empty hole .
8 Yes , it was rather apt , and going into the cold little room where the piano stood , I played it over — stiffly , and with many mistakes — the words , nevertheless , bringing their own gloomy comfort .
9 They found Faltour 's Lane and turned into the dirty refuse-filled alleyway , the daylight almost blocked out by the overhanging gables of the houses which reared up on either side .
10 In a few minutes they 'd left behind the head office of Chester Fabrics , driven past the fire-blackened fabric printing plant and escaped into the lush green countryside on the way back to Armscott Manor , the rambling Cotswold home of the Chesters for three generations .
11 Winter is the time to lie back and sink into the great British bath .
12 She left him standing under the light and walked into the warm cigar-scented room beyond , knowing that the last Russian doll , like all the others , would still be herself .
13 He went down the airless corridor to his Boss 's office , said hello to the secretary , and walked into the large oak-panelled room which was as big as the lobby of many a sizeable hotel .
14 The chances are you wo n't sleep much though , because Monday is the big market day in Cavaillon and soon after midnight the carts and lorries and vans of the big fruit farmers ' co-operatives , of the market gardeners , of the tomato and garlic and onion growers , will start rattling and roaring and rumbling into the great open market in the place du Clos .
15 The victim was either nailed or tied to the cross beam by his wrists , before it was hoisted up and fixed into the permanent upright stake of the cross .
16 Flames and smoke from nearby chestnut-sellers and the bare-chested fire-eaters flickered and drifted into the dark grey sky , and Meredith just hung on to Lucenzo , lost for words , overwhelmed by the volume of sound , the bustle , the glamour , as they walked along beneath the arched walkway of the Procuratie Nuove .
17 ‘ How 's your ass ? ’ he quipped , and disappeared into the small dry heat room , laughing his head off .
18 The direct muscles ( Fig. 57 ) are typically the epipleural and axillary muscles and generally consist of four pairs : ( a ) the 1st anterior extensor arising usually from the sternal region and attached to the basalar sclerite ( p. 54 ) ; ( b ) the and anterior extensor arising from the rim of the coxa , just in front of its pleural articulation , and similarly inserted into the basalar sclerite ; ( c ) the posterior extensor arising from the rim of the coxa , just behind its pleural articulation , and inserted into the subalar sclerite ; ( a ) the flexor arising from the pleural ridge and inserted into the 3rd axillary sclerite .
19 The original ‘ proto ’ Indo-European language spread west and mutated into the present-day Romance languages like French and Spanish , and the Germanic , like English and German .
20 The original ‘ proto ’ Indo-European language spread west and mutated into the present-day Romance languages like French and Spanish , and the Germanic , like English and German .
21 McLeish repressed a grin and bustled into the big noisy pub on the corner , receiving an instant acknowledgement from one of the bartenders , who all knew any member of the C1 hierarchy .
22 She shrugs off her dressing-gown and slips into the little single bed beside me , warm and naked and already wet .
23 Darlington could hardly have made a worse start , goalkeeper Mark Prudhoe and his fellow defenders standing frozen to the spot as Preece smartly turned and shot into the top left corner in the ninth minute .
24 The Wars of Independence which began in the 1290s and lasted into the late fourteenth century changed that situation radically .
25 The noise was a foul but apt accompaniment to the schooner 's fitful motion for , with her wheel lashed and her sails only half trimmed , Wavebreaker was bridling and jerking into the short hard seas that were driving through the North-East Providence Channel .
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