Example sentences of "and [verb] them with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
2 This section looks briefly at some of the basic ideas and illustrates them with the results of some laboratory experiments .
3 This has the effect of eliminating from our daily lives all those negative influences , problems and restrictions and replacing them with the seeds of positive plans , happiness and an expansive and creative mind .
4 We wound the rollers down towards the root and secured them with the clips provided .
5 All we 've got to do is to take his fingerprints and compare them with the beauties on this envelope .
6 Then the reader is advised to read the accounting policies and compare them with the policies used in the previous year and with those competitors use .
7 We shall examine the results of his experiments and compare them with the results that we would expect if the records were perfectly randomized .
8 In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in 18 patients over the age of 50 whom we have treated in the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients .
9 Finally it was Gnaeus Manlius Vulso 's victory over the Galatians in 189 B.C. which justified the intervention of the Romans in Asia Minor and furnished them with the clients they needed in order to control the ambitions of Pergamum .
10 This will be achieved by analysing the criteria used to select expert system applications and comparing them with the criteria used to evaluate the feasibility of traditional data processing projects .
11 He would remove the radios from aircraft B and substitute them with the radios stolen from aircraft A. He would then be picked up by the aircraft he came in , leaving with the radios removed from aircraft B.
12 Well you could always tear the pages o pages out and stick them with the receipts .
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