Example sentences of "and [verb] them [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The role of the museum is to present the collection in a fresh way , both showing unfamiliar paintings and hanging them in natural light ’ .
2 Madame raised her crackling voice from the large brown desk where she presided in the hall beyond , and asked them with unusual largesse if they would like some refreshment .
3 It seems right to see Hubble 's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision .
4 Turbobat is a very powerful multiple pass batch file compiler that takes DOS batch files and turns them into binary code that can execute up to four times faster than the original .
5 Then steam or boil the vegetables in a small amount of salted water , before draining and tossing them in melted butter .
6 Then if you feel it is appropriate , address them to their homes and send them by registered mail .
7 By adopting such beliefs and applying them to contemporary society both found sustenance in elitist moral and ethical beliefs which were far removed from contemporary reality .
8 It involved thrusting a lighted taper into little glass jars and applying them in great haste to Jean-Claude 's back , which would bubble up under them in balloons of skin .
9 This topic is meant to improve pupils ' awareness of ‘ danger ’ areas in houses and to inform them of basic safety measures and precautions which should be taken at home .
10 He was a man of profound education , but having acquired it himself he treasured words and used them with unique skill and often with a strange individuality .
11 The Minoans built cisterns or water tanks and lined them with water-resistant plaster .
12 And we now have the final symbolism of Ross Perot , the white knight set to storm Washington , who has in the not-so-distant past said that it might be necessary to suspend the constitution and cordon off black neighbourhoods and place them under martial law .
13 Check all the facts and refute them with sound evidence .
14 They must be a priority target group , so we can prevent exploitation and discrimination and provide them with adequate training in health and safety and other matters .
15 She had always tried to emulate Isabelle , too , in buying the best clothes she could afford , and keeping them in pristine condition , making sure she was well-groomed at all times .
16 I have no idea how I was , although Jack and my relieved director assured me that the audience had just been coolly first-nightish and we , the cast , had stayed calm and thawed them into real pleasure and ultimate Rejoycing .
17 What I do is chop the luncheon meat into cubes just big enough for a size 8 or 10 hook and mix them with damp groundbait .
18 It was my joy to find old Chinese stories and transcribe them into dramatic radio productions such as ‘ The Good Luck Horse ’ , ‘ The Luck of Shao Nien ’ , ‘ The Poet and the Peony ’ and many others .
19 Despenser , made chamberlain of the king 's household in the autumn of 1318 , was son of an old servant of the king who was also called Hugh , but the young man was greedy and tactless on a scale which surpassed Gaveston and alarmed and alienated particularly the lords of the Welsh Marches ( where he laid claim to extensive lands ) and drove them into uneasy alliance with Lancaster .
20 Her teacher was white — indeed , all the teachers were white — and told them with great pride that she came from England .
21 The company has since made a remarkable recovery by clearing out its middle management ranks and replacing them with semi-autonomous work teams .
22 He worked frantically to help the casualties , tearing up what was left of his linen for bandages and soaking them in olive oil and wax to apply to bums .
23 Toddler walks with her had been a superhuman test of patience as she squatted by every puddle , slowly stirring the water with sticks , and picked up myriads of stones , tenderly brushing them free of earth and inserting them with infinite laboriousness into pockets already grinding with pebbles .
24 They were the sport of rich noblemen who hunted and ate them with terrific enthusiasm — until there were none .
25 He plucked and ate them with surprising sensuality , sucking out the juice and spitting the pips into his left hand .
26 The Duc d'Orléans refused Stair 's demand to hand over the ships and their contents to Byng but did agree to unload the weapons and remove them for safe keeping to a French arsenal , a notable diplomatic triumph .
27 Pour off the pulp , strain the seeds and spread them on absorbent paper to dry ; then store in a cool , dry place .
28 The latest version of the SDI concept , originally introduced in 1983 , centred on the " brilliant pebbles " idea , which proposed that up to 100,000 small space-based rockets would be placed in orbit , where they would be able to track enemy missiles and to destroy them through direct collision .
29 They take some of Britain 's toughest and most notorious criminals and put them through intense therapy ; forcing them to confront what they did and why .
30 Employment Action is a scheme that will take people off the dole queue and put them into full time work for benefit plus ten pounds .
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