Example sentences of "and [verb] out [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Just as we might buy a new outfit , then take it home and change out of the old and into the new , so Paul likens the complete change needed if we are to live as followers of Christ .
2 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
3 Lady Ursula Berowne sat immobile in her sitting room on the fourth floor of 62 Campden Hill Square and gazed out over the top boughs of the plane trees as if at some far distant unseeable vista .
4 Rather than watch them go , I stayed by the sink and gazed out over the playing fields .
5 When the Sergeant returned with steaming liquid in a tin container , Charles warmed his hands round it and gazed out across the flat expanse of his new command .
6 She sat on the chair by the window and gazed out at the wide lawns edged by chestnut trees .
7 Sergeant Joe finished his warming whisky , shook hands with Mr Singleton , took hold of his carpet-bag , and limped out of the cosy , club-like atmosphere of Hennessey 's .
8 Should you decide to stick to sherry and branch out into the heavier aloroso you will have a thick head tomorrow and we will have an entertaining evening . ’
9 Tom had meanwhile dug up his turnips , and set to work hedging , digging ditches and helping out with the other farms , when the extra labour was needed .
10 Carson ran up the brick steps to the courtyard 's wooden side-door , rattling the bolt free and stepping out into the narrow alley that ran down the side of the house .
11 They handed people , patients , on to each other , they were known and sought out by the desperate among both clergy and laity .
12 A disconsolate group of climbers sitting round a kitchen table all lean forward and peer out at the iron-grey clouds rumbling past .
13 The vast majority of these were hastily-assembled hack jobs , pieced together from published sources and fleshed out with the dubious reminiscences of alleged veterans .
14 ( In a letter to the Zoological Society written on 10 May and read out at the scientific meeting in London on 8 October , Gould described 19 new species , 13 of which he stated he had received from Dr Bynoe of the Beagle . )
15 ‘ I suppose we really ought to get down to some serious work , ’ Ruth suggested lazily , stretching her legs under the table and gazing out across the blue bay of Palma with its crowd of boats and yachts bobbing and , beyond , the profusion of high-rise apartments and hotels .
16 The gulls were in good voice , however , soaring and shrieking overhead in a fickle , shifting breeze , and Harry was surprised how contented if not downright happy he felt , sitting in the shelter nearest the clock and gazing out at the white horses in the bay .
17 The band failed to advise said fans , who have endured a five-year wait to see them play live in the UK , that tickets went on sale last Saturday , and sold out on the same day .
18 The thorny question of divorce was discussed and argued out in the frankest tones .
19 The collection begins in 1901 with Picasso 's ‘ Woman in Blue ’ and peters out in the 1960s , although there are some exceptions , such as Miró 's late works .
20 Charles Fleming and I had a chance to look around the beautiful shops , and eat out at the RED SEA PALACE HOTEL ( pure magic by the way ) .
21 We were told not to do this , told not to come here , told to sledge and throw snowballs and make snowmen all we wanted , but not even to come near the loch and the river , in case we fell through the ice ; and yet Andy came here after we 'd sledged for a while on the slope near the farm , walked down here through the woods despite my protests , and then when we got here to the river bank I said well , as long as we only looked , but then Andy just whooped and jumped down onto the boulder-lumped white slope of shore and sprinted out across the pure flat snow towards the far bank .
22 The statement reported the summit 's decision to establish a " special commission to consider the suggestions of the countries on the key aspects of co-operation within the CMEA framework and to work out in the shortest time drafts of new fundamental CMEA documents " .
23 It was then that a familiar figure detached itself from the shadows of the trees and moved out into the dim orange light of one of the streetlamps .
24 Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way .
25 As they finally leave the city and head out for the open road , Billy the Kid says , ‘ We made it , did n't we ? ’
26 The work reported in this thesis was sponsored by General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation plc and carried out at the Medical Research Council 's Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge and I thank Alan Baddeley and all at the unit for making the work possible .
27 Some of these other forms of treatment — even some that are advised and carried out by the medical profession — are the clinical equivalent of the extraordinarily inhuman ( and ineffective ) previous " treatment " of cancer patients by pulling out all their teeth .
28 The coroner 's jury had even brought in a sensational verdict , that ‘ the murder was organised and carried out by the Royal Irish Constabulary , officially directed by the British Government , and we return a verdict of wilful murder against David Lloyd George , Prime Minister of England … . ’
29 Furthermore , there is a general permission for any development in connection with coal industry activities ( as defined in section 63 of the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 ) and carried out in the immediate vicinity of a pithead .
30 However , competitive pressures can still be generated by another feature of the industry mentioned before — the relative ease of entry into and exit out of the big league .
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